"Smoking Guns" in the
Death of JFK
by James H. Fetzer, Ph.D.
smoking gun [Colloq.] any conclusive evidence
that proves guilt or fault.
--Webster's New World Dictionary
During an interview shortly before a professional conference
on "The Death of JFK" that would be held on the Twin
Cities campus of The University of Minnesota on 14-16 May 1998,
Federal Judge John R. Tunheim, who had served as Chair of the
Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB), reported that no "smoking
guns" had been discovered in the course of its efforts to
declassify assassination records that had been secreted away
for 50 years. The ARRB had come into existence as an effect of
the passage of "The JFK Act" by Congress during the
resurgence of interest in the assassination following the 1991
release of the Oliver Stone film, JFK
The JFK Act had been passed over the intense opposition of
President George Bush, a former Director of the CIA, perhaps
in part because JFK implies that the CIA, the FBI, and
the Pentagon played important roles in planning, executing, and
covering up the death of our 35th president. Indeed, even after
its passage, President Bush refused to appoint any members to
the board, which had to await action by his successor, President
Bill Clinton. As its own Final Report (ARRB 1998, p. xxiii)
explains, this delay consumed the first 18 months of the existence
of the ARRB, which began with a three-year mandate that later
would be extended to four, during which it managed to declassify
more than 60,000 records.
My concern, however, was less historical and more immediate.
As the organizer and moderator of the Twin Cities conference,
I had invited more than a dozen of the most accomplished students
of JFK's assassination to serve as speakers and as commentators
in an effort to broaden and deepen our understanding of this
event by taking into account new findings, especially those of
the ARRB. It was my considered opinion--one I knew to be shared
by virtually every other invited speaker, including Douglas 1-lorne,
Senior Military Analyst for the ARRB itself--that many records
released by the ARRB not only substantiate previous conclusions
about conspiracy and cover-up but clearly qualify as "smoking
Judge Tunheim, whom I knew personally, was scheduled to speak
at the opening banquet Friday evening, which meant his talk would
be the very first presentation of the conference. I resolved
to introduce him with a list of findings that, in my judgment,
were on the order of "smoking guns," and drafted some
notes as guidelines for my introduction. I thereby hoped to induce
him to confront these issues directly. As luck would have it,
he arrived nearly 45 minutes late, which made it impossible for
me to present my list of discoveries and still keep the meeting
on schedule. Although the opportunity was lost, I also resolved
to pursue this issue in the belief that the American people should
know at least as much as the Chair of the ARRB about its own
findings. This book is meant to serve that purpose
The Warren Report
John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States,
was murdered during a motorcade as it passed through Dealey Plaza
in Dallas on 22 November 1963. The official government account
of the crime, known as The Warren Report after its Chair,
Chief Justice of the United States, Earl Warren--but technically
entitled, The Report of the President's Commission
on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (1964)
-- held that JFK was killed by a lone, demented assassin named
Lee Harvey Oswald, who fired three shots with a high-velocity
rifle from a sixth floor window of the nearby Texas School Book
Depository, scoring two hits and one miss, which struck a distant
concrete curb, ricocheted and slightly injured by-stander James
Tague. (A photograph of the injury may be found in Robert Groden,
The Killing of a President 1993, p. 41.)
The presumptive shots that hit, however, wreaked considerable
damage. The first is alleged to have entered the President's
back at the base of his neck, traversed his neck without impacting
any bony structure, exited his throat at the level of his tie,
entered the back of Texas Governor John Connally (riding in a
jump seat in front of him), shattering a rib, exiting his chest,
impacting his right wrist, and deflecting into his left thigh.
The bullet supposed to have performed these remarkable feats,
moreover, is alleged to have been recovered virtually undamaged
from a stretcher at Parkland Hospital, where President Kennedy
and Governor Connally were rushed for treatment, and has come
to be known as "the magic bullet." The other struck
JFK in the back of his head and killed him.
Indeed, these findings were reaffirmed and refined by the House
Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) during its re-investigation
of 1977-78 in its report of 1979, with the exception that--on
the basis of disputed acoustical evidence, which it never adequately
explored---it concluded that a fourth shot had been fired from
"the grassy knoll," which made it probable that the
President, after all, had been assassinated by a conspiracy,
possibly one of small scale, a matter that the HSCA did not pursue.
But, in relation to the major findings of the Warren Commission,
the HSCA reaffirmed them. For the official government account
of the death of JFK to be true, therefore, at least the following
three conjectures - "hypotheses," let us call them,
to avoid begging the question by taking for granted what needs
to be established on independent grounds--have to be true:
(H1) JFK was hit at the base of the back
of his neck by a bullet that traversed his neck without hitting
any bony structures and exited his throat at the level of his
(H2) JFK was hit in the back of his head
by a bullet fired from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book
Depository, as its diagrams display, causing his death; and,
(H3) these bullets were fired by a sole assassin, Lee
Harvey Oswald, using a high- powered rifle, which was identified
as a 6.5 mm Italian Mannlicher Carcano.
As a point of deductive logic, if any of these hypotheses
is false, then any account that entails them cannot be true.
Yet it is surprisingly easy to show that all three are false.
Smoking Gun #1: (HI) is an anatomical impossibility,
because the bullet would have had to impact bony structures.
Consider, for example, hypothesis (Hi). David W. Mantik, M.D.,
Ph.D., who holds a Ph.D. in physics and is also board-certified
in radiation oncology, has studied X-rays of the President's
chest. He has used the cross-section of a body whose upper chest
and neck dimensions were the same as those of JFK and performed
a simple experiment. Taking the specific locations specified
by the USCA for the point of entry at the base of the back of
the neck and the point of exit at the throat, he has drawn a
straight line to represent the trajectory that any bullet would
have to have taken from that point of entry to that point of
exit. Any such trajectory would intersect cervical vertebrae.
A CAT scan demonstrating Mantik's experiment has been published
in a splendid study of some of the most basic evidence in this
case by Stewart Galanor, Cover-Up (1998). Here is
a visual representation of such a bullet's trajectory:
It would have been anatomically impossible for a bullet to
have taken the trajectory specified by the official account.
Hypothesis (Hi) is not just false but cannot possibly be true.
(Mantik's study may be found in Assassination Science 1998,
pp. 157-58.)
Smoking Gun #2: The head shot trajectory is inconsistent
with the position of his head at the time of the shot,
falsifying (112).
Consider (H2), the hypothesis that a bullet fired from the
sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository entered the back
of his head and killed him. The building in question was horizontally
located to the President's rear, while the sixth floor of that
building was vertically considerably above the President's head.
Therefore, any such bullet must have entered the President's
head from above and behind. That much is indisputable. No photographs
of the President's injuries were published at the time, but The
Warren Report (1964) did provide drawings (copies of which
may be found in Assassination Science (1998), p. 438).
The drawings of the head wound therefore appear to show a trajectory
from above and behind, as the official account requires.
Stewart Galanor, Cover-Up (1998), however, has juxtaposed
the official drawing with frame 312 of the Zapruder film, which
the Warren Commission itself regarded as the moment before the
fatal head shot incident to frame 313, with the following result:When the President's head is properly positioned1 the Commission's
own drawing displays an upward rather than a downward trajectory.
If the official drawing of the injury to the head is correct,
then the conjecture that the President was hit from above and
behind cannot be true; and if the President was hit from above
and behind, the official drawing of the injury must be false.
Hypothesis (H2) cannot possibly be true
Smoking Gun #3: The weapon, which was not even
a rifle, could not have fired the bullets that killed the
president, falsifying (H3).
Consider (H3), finally, which maintains that the bullets that
hit their target were fired by Lee Harvey Oswald using a high-powered
rifle, which The Warren Report (1964) also identified
as a 6.5 mm Mannlicher-Carcano. As other authors, including Harold
Weisberg, Whitewash (1965), Peter Model and Robert Groden,
JFK: The Case for Conspiracy (1976), and Robert
Groden and Harrison E. Livingstone, High Treason (1989)
have also observed, the Mannlicher-CarcanO that Oswald is supposed
to have used is a 6.5 mm weapon, but it is not high velocity.
Its muzzle velocity of approximately 2,000 fps means that it
qualifies as a medium-to-low velocity weapon. [Editor'S note:
Indeed, strictly speaking, the Mannlicher-Carcano is not
a rifle but a carbine.)
The death certificates, The Warren Report, articles in JAMA, and other sources state that the President was killed
by wounds inflicted by high-velocity missiles. (Some are reprinted
in Assassination Science (1998).) The Mannlicher-Carcano
is the only weapon that Oswald is alleged to have used to kill
the President, but the Mannlicher-Carcano is not a high-velocity
weapon; consequently, Lee Oswald could not have fired the bullets
that killed the President. Thus, hypothesis (H3) cannot be true.
This discovery is especially important, because the extensive
damage sustained by JFK's skull and brain could not possibly
have been inflicted by a weapon of this kind. The major trauma
the President endured had to have been inflicted by one or more
high- velocity weapons.
The hypotheses under consideration, (Hi), (H2), and (H3),
therefore, are not merely false but are provably false. Moreover,
these hypotheses are by no means peripheral to the official account
but the core of its conclusions. If (H1), (H2), and (H3) are
false, then The Warren Report (1964) cannot be salvaged,
even in spite of the best efforts of the Gerald Posners of the
world. [Editor's note: Some problems encountered by his
popular attempt to revive it have been dissected in Assassination
Science (1998), pp. 145-152.] Among the central findings
of The Warren Report (1964), therefore, the only one that
appears to be true is the least important, namely: that bystander
James Tague was hit by a bullet fragment that ricocheted from
a distant curb and caused him minor injury.
There are many more, which may be found in this and other
studies of the death of JFK. Since Bertrand Russell raised 16
"questions" about the investigation during 1964 --
even while it was still in progress -- it seems appropriate to
contrast what we know now with what Russell knew then by offering
16 "smoking guns" that complement his work. In some
instances, these smoking guns overlap with Russell's questions,
but discerning readers ought to have no difficulty discovering
others in the course of study of this book. I have found that
every access route to this subject -- whether by means of the
medical evidence, the physical evidence, the eyewitness evidence,
the Dallas police, The Warren Report, the FBI, the CIA,
the Pentagon, the Secret Service, or any other avenue of approach--leads
to the same conclusions we have reached here and in Assassination
Science (1998).
Other "Smoking Guns"
Smoking Gun #4: The bullets, which were standard
copper-jacketed World War II-vintage military ammunition, could
not have caused the explosive damage.
The ammunition that Oswald is alleged to have used was standard
full-metal jacketed military ammunition, one round of which was
supposed to have been found on a stretcher at Parkland Hospital,
a photograph of which appears as Commission Exhibit 399 (elsewhere
in this volume). This kind of ammunition conforms to Geneva Convention
standards for humane conduct of warfare and is not intended to
maim but, absent its impact with hard bodily features, to pass
through a body. It does not explode. The lateral cranial X-ray
of the President's head (the image of his head taken from the
side), however, displays a pattern of metallic debris as effects
of the impact of an exploding bullet, which could not have been
caused by ammunition of the kind Oswald was alleged to have used,
thereby exonerating him.
Smoking Gun #5: The axis of metallic debris is inconsistent
with a shot from behind but consistent with a shot that entered
the area of the right temple
The axis of debris appears to be consistent with a shot entering
the area of the right temple rather than the back of the head.
Studies of this issue are found in Joseph N. Riley, Ph.D., "The
Head Wounds of John F. Kennedy: One Bullet Cannot Account for
the Injuries," The Third Decade (March 1993), pp.
1- 15, and in Mantik's research on the X-rays published in Assassination
Science (1998), in his comments on the recent deposition
of James J. Humes, M.D., for the ARRB (Appendix G), and in his
new study of the medical evidence. In the autopsy report, Humes
had described this metallic trail as beginning low on the right
rear of the skull. The actual trail, however, lies more than
4 inches higher, much closer to the top of the skull than to
the bottom.
Confronted with this discrepancy, Humes concedes that the
autopsy report is wrong by some 10 cm. Humes here faced an impossible
paradox, which he could not honestly resolve. If he had described
the trail correctly and simultaneously reported the low entry
wound to the back of the head, then the behind and one from in
front--which, in turn, would have implied the existence of at
least two gunmen. Humes had no choice but literally to move the
trail of metallic debris downward by more than four inches (10
cm), which is precisely what he did. As Mantik explains, it took
more than three decades for Humes to be asked to confront this
important paradox, which falsifies the lone gunman theory
Smoking Gun #6: The official autopsy report was contradicted
by more than 40 eyewitness reports and was inconsistent with
HSCA diagrams and photographs.
Gary Aguiliar, M.D., has collated the testimony of more than
40 eyewitnesses, spectators in Dealey Plaza, physicians and nurses
at Parkland Hospital, Navy medical technicians and FBI agents
at Bethesda Naval Hospital, who report a massive blow-out to
the back of the head. Several physicians have diagrammed this
blow-out as it was observed at Parkland, which had the general
character of the wound depicted below. David Lifton, Best
Evidence (1980), however, has diagrammed what the wound resembled
based upon the official autopsy report from Bethesda. These may
be labeled as "the heel" and "the footprint"
due to their size and relationship. When the HSCA reinvestigated
the crime in 1978-79, its diagrams and photographs now depicted
a small entry wound, which is sometimes referred to as "the
red spot"
Smoking Gun #7: These eyewitness reports were rejected
on the basis of the xrays, which have been fabricated
in at least two different ways
As Mantik has discovered through the employment of optical
densitometry studies, the lateral cranial X-ray has been fabricated
by imposing a patch over a massive defect to the back of the
head, which corresponds to the eyewitness reports describing
(what is called here) "the heel" shot. In effecting
this deception, the perpetrators used material that was much
too dense to be normal skull material, which enabled Mantik to
discover what had been done. It turns out that, although not
common knowledge at the time, instructions that could be followed
to create composites were available in contemporary radiology
publications. He has replicated these results in the radiology
darkroom, as he explains here and in earlier studies in Assassination
Science (1998).
The anterior-posterior (front-to-rear) autopsy X-ray, moreover,
has been fabricated by imposing a 6.5 mm metal object not present
on the original, which Mantik has established on the basis of
additional optical densitometry studies published in Assassination
Science (1998). All three of the military pathologists who
conducted the autopsy at Bethesda have now confirmed to the ARRB
that they did not see this metallic object on the X-ray, no doubt
because it was added after the autopsy was finished. The addition
of this metallic object appears to have been done to implicate
a 6.5 mm weapon, such as the Mannlicher-Carcano, in the assassination
of President Kennedy. The conspirators made mistakes ~due to
their lack of familiarity with this weapon, however, since it
is not a high-velocity rifle and could not have inflicted the
damage that caused the President's death.
Smoking Gun #8: Diagrams and photos of a brain in the
National Archives are of the brain of someone other
than JFK
Robert B. Livingston, M.D., a world authority on the human
brain, has concluded that credible reports of damage to the cerebrum
and especially to the cerebellum -- numerous and consistent from
the physicians at Parkiand, as Aguilar has explained -- are incompatible
with the diagrams and photographs that are alleged to be of the
brain of President Kennedy. As he summarizes his findings, Livingston,
who is also an expert on wound ballistics, states, "A conclusion
is obligatorily forced that the photographs and drawings of the
brain in the National Archives are those of some brain other
than that of John Fitzgerald Kennedy" (Assassination
Science 1998, p. 164). This stunning inference has been confirmed
by new evidence released by the ARRB, which establishes the occurrence
of two distinct post - autopsy brain examinations involving two
distinct brains, as Douglas Home, who was the Senior Analyst
for Military Records of the ARRB, explains in a contribution
to this volume.
Smoking Gun #9: Those who took and processed the autopsy
photographs claim that parts of the photographic record have
been altered, created, or destroyed
As a consequence of depositions by the ARRB, we now also have
extensive additional evidence that autopsy photographs have been
altered, created, or destroyed. One of the fascinating discoveries
that has emerged from its efforts are eyewitness reports from
John Stringer, the official autopsy photographer, that the photographs
of the brain shown in the official set are not those that he
took at the time; from Robert Knudsen, White House photographer,
who has reported having in his possession--at one and the same
time -- photographs that displayed a major blow-out to the President's
head and others that did not; and from Saundra Spencer, who processed
the originals, who explains that she knows they are not the same
because they do not have the same physical features as other
photographs she processed using the same film, some of which
she still possesses. The importance of these and related discoveries
for understanding the medical evidence in this case is explored
in studies by Aguilar and by Mantik elsewhere in this volume.
Smoking Gun #10: The Zapruder film, among others, has
been extensively edited using highly sophisticated techniques
Since The Warren Report (1964) published many of the
frames of the Zapruder film and placed heavy reliance upon its
authenticity in arriving at its conclusions about how many shots
were fired and the time it took to fire them, if the photographic
evidence is flawed, then the Commission's conclusions are equally
in doubt. And, indeed, there are many reasons to question the
authenticity of the Zapruder film as well as much of the other
photographic evidence. In his major study of the assassination
of JFK, Bloody Treason (1997), Noel Twyman reports consulting
with Roderick Ryan, a leading technical expert on motion picture
film. Twyman had been puzzled by the discovery of numerous anomalies
in the film, including blurred stationary background figures
but sharp focus of the limousine in frame 302 versus the sharp
focus of both in frame 303
When Twyman asked Ryan how this could be explained, he stated,
"the limousine is moving in 302 and standing still in
303" (Twyman 1997, p. 150). And when Twyman asked him
about the mysterious ~'blob" that seems to shift around
from frame to frame immediately after the fatal head shot at
frame 313, Ryan told him "it looked as if the blobs had
been painted in" (Twyman 1997, p. 151). [Editor's
note: The cover highlights "the blob" and Jackie's
face, which also seems to be painted in.] Ryan's opinions are
all the more important insofar as they corroborate conclusions
about film alteration that had been drawn independently by Jack
White and by David Mantik, initially in Part IV of Assassination
Science (1998) and now in Part V of the current volume. Dr.
Ryan received an Oscar for his technical contributions to the
motion picture industry during the April 2000 Academy Awards
Among the most remarkable discoveries of the ARRB, moreover,
was locating two persons who worked on processing a home movie
of the assassination at the National Photographic Interpretation
Center (NPIC) run by the CIA the weekend of the murder. This
movie, which appears to have been the "out-of-camera"
original of the Zapruder film, was studied by Homer McMahon,
who was in charge of the color laboratory at the time. He has
reported that, after viewing it at least 10 times, he had concluded
that JFK was hit 6 or 8 times from at least three directions,
a conclusion subsequently dismissed by Secret Service Agent William
Smith, who declared that MeMahon had to be mistaken because only
three shots had been fired from above and behind, an opinion
he had reached without interviews conducted for the ARRB by Douglas
Home and published here.
Smoking Gun #11: The official conclusion contradicts
widely-broadcasted reports on radio and television about two
shots fired from the front.
Descriptions of two wounds -- of a small wound to the throat
as well as a massive blow-out to the back of the head caused
by an entry wound to the right temple--were widely broadcast
that afternoon. If you look at television coverage from that
day, you will find that, at 1:35 P14, NBC reports both a shot
to the throat and a shot through the right temple, findings attributed
to Admiral George Burkley, the President's personal physician.
At 1:45 PM, another network reports a shot through the head and
a shot to the throat. Chet Huntley reports a shot through the
right temple. Robert MacNeil says it is unclear to him how the
President could have been shot through the throat and temple
if the assassin was firing from above and behind. Frank McGee
calls it incongruous.
Malcolm Perry, M.D., who performed a tracheostomy in a vain attempt
to save the life of the mortally injured President, was so certain
that a small wound to the throat at the location of the tracheostomy
had been fired from in front that--when told that the assassin
had been above and behind the limousine--he concluded that JFK
must have stood and turned to wave to spectators who were behind
him. During a press conference held at Parkland that afternoon,
he stated three times that the wound to the throat had been a
wound of entry, not a wound of exit. Through deceptive use of
a series of hypothetical questions -- that assumed the
bullet entered at the based of the neck, transited the neck without
hitting any bony structures, and exited at the base of the throat--the
author of "the single bullet theory," Arlen Specter,
was able to obfuscate these observations in support of the official
account, in which the trajectories of these wounds were reversed.
Smoking Gun #12: The (fabricated) X-rays, (altered)
autopsy photographs, and even the (edited) Zapruder film were
improperly used to discredit eyewitness reports
An important point of which most Americans are generally unaware
is that legal procedure permits photographs and motion pictures
to be used as evidence in courts of l~w only when a foundation
for their introduction has been established by eyewitness testimony,
as Milicent Cranor has observed. According to McCormick on
Evidence, 3rd edition (1984), Section 214, for example, concerning
photographs, movies, and sound recordings
The principle upon which photographs are most commonly admitted
into evidence is the same as that underlying the admission
of illustrative drawings, maps, and diagrams. Under this theory,
a photograph is viewed merely as a graphic portrayal of oral
testimony, and becomes admissible only when a witness has testified
that it is a correct and accurate representation of the relevant
facts personally observed by the witness.The practice of the Warren Commission and apologists for its
findings appears to be the exact opposite, where photographs
and films -- including X-rays -- have been used to discount the
testimony of eyewitnesses, which is not only the better evidence
but is actually required to lay a foundation for the admissibility
of evidence of those kinds
Some defenders of the official account have maintained that
the Warren Commission inquiry was not a legal proceeding but
merely an advisory body offering its findings and its recommendations
to the President, which is technically correct. The precise legal
status of The Warren Report (1964) is therefore open to
doubt. But how could the interests of the American people --
in truth, justice, and fairness -- possibly be served ·by
failing to adhere to clear and established principles for the
admissibility of evidence? Alas, the question has only to be
asked for the answer to be all too obvious. As Harold Weisberg
and Bertrand Russell already understood, the Commission was not
created to advance the interests of truth, justice, and fairness,
but to convince the American people that a lone gunman had assassinated
the 35th President of the United States, that the matter had
been thoroughly investigated, and that there had been no conspiracy
or cover-up.
Smoking Gun #13: The motorcade route was changed at
the last minute and yet the assassination occurred on the part
that had been changed.
Think about it. As Chief of Police Jesse Curry confirmed in
his JFK Assassination File (1969), which I discuss elsewhere
in this volume, it was not until 18 November 1963 that the final
motorcade route was settled at a meeting between representatives
of the Police Department and the Secret Service, when it was
agreed that the motorcade would take a right off Main Street
onto Houston and a very sharp left onto Urn en route to the Trade
Mart, where JFK~ was scheduled to present a luncheon speech.
At the turn from Houston onto Elm, remarkably, the motorcade
was considered over and local security was no longer provided.
This appears to be such a transparent pretext for disavowing
responsibility for the President's security by the Dallas Police
as to be indicative of what is known in the law as "consciousness
of guilt" in failing to take or in taking measures that
ordinarily would or would not be taken--save for knowledge of
the circumstances of a crime
Indeed, the revised motorcade route was never published in
the newspapers, which raises a fascinating question, namely:
How did the alleged assassin even know that the President would
pass by the Texas School Book Depository in order for him to
shoot him? In an interesting study, "The Mathematical Improbability
of the Kennedy Assassination," The Dealey Plaza Echo
(November 1999), pp. 2-6, Ed Dorsch, Jr., has calculated
that the probability of Oswald and JFK coming within 100 yards
of each other at random during his Presidency is approximately
1 in 1 hundred billion! This suggests an encounter by the two
was almost certainly no accident, yet Oswald had no reason to
know he would only have to show up for work to have the chance
to shoot JFK -- and his wife even said that he had overslept!
A more plausible explanation is that their proximity was not
a matter of chance but was coordinated by plans about which Oswald
had no knowledge and over which he had no control
Smoking Gun #14: Secret Service policies for the protection
of the President were massively violated during the motorcade
in Dallas.
More than a dozen Secret Service policies for the protection
of the President seem to have been violated during the motorcade
in Dallas, including no protective military presence; no coverage
of open windows; motorcycles out of position; agents not riding
on the Presidential limousine; vehicles in improper sequence;
utilization of an improper route, which included a turn of more
than 900; limousine slowed nearly to a halt at the corner of
Houston and Elm; the limousine came to a halt after bullets began
to be fired; agents were virtually unresponsive; brains and blood
were washed from the limousine at Parkland, even before the President
had been pronounced dead; the limousine was stripped down and
being rebuilt already Monday, the day of the formal state funeral;
a substitute windshield was later produced as evidence; and so
on--discoveries that are strengthened and extended by Vincent
Palamara and Douglas Weldon, J.D., in this book
As an illustration, consider the sequence of vehicles. As
the accompanying diagram displays (see Richard F. Sprague, Computers
and Automation May 1970, pp. 48-49), the Presidential limousine
was the lead vehicle in the motorcade, followed by the Secret
Service ~~ Queen Mary," the Vice-Presidential limousine,
the Vice-President's security, then the Mayor, some dignitaries,
Press Car #1, Press Car #2, and so on, which is completely absurd.
A proper motorcade would have the lower-ranking dignitaries early
on, then those in between, and finally the highest official,
who would naturally be surrounded by the press, who were there,
after all, to cover a political event! In this case, however,
everything was wrong -- even though, as Richard Trask, Pictures
of the Pain (1994), p. 45, has observed, the vehicles were
identified with numerals, where the Mayor's car, for example,
was marked with a number "1" on its windshield. Indeed,
the President's personal physician, Admiral Burkley, was in the
very last car!
Congress passed the JFK Act of 1992. One month later, the
Secret Service began its compliance efforts. However, in January
1995, the Secret Service destroyed presidential protection survey
reports for some of President Kennedy's trips in the fall of
1963. The Review Board learned of the destruction approximately
one week after the Secret Service destroyed them, when the Board
was drafting its request for additional information. The Board
believed that the Secret Service files on the President's travel
in the weeks preceding his murder would be relevant
----From the ARRB Final Report (1998), p. 149
.This had to be deliberate, it had to be wrong, and everyone
involved with security had to know that it was wrong. In this
regard, one of the most remarkable paragraphs in the Final
Report of the Assassination Records Review Board (1998)
is the following:
Here again we appear to be confronted with one more indication
of consciousness of guilt, which we must add to other indications
of Secret Service complicity in the death of JFK.
Smoking Gun #15: Neither the Mafia nor pro-
or anti-Castro Cubans nor the KGB could have done any
of these things -- much less Lee Oswald, who was either incarcerated
or already dead.
The complicity of medical officers of the United States Navy,
agents of the Secret Service, the President's personal physician,
and other representatives of the Pentagon, the FBI, and the CIA
provides powerful evidence that can serve as a premise in the
appraisal of alternative theories about the assassination of
JFK. Neither the Mafia, pro- or anti-Castro Cubans, or the KGB
could have fabricated autopsy X-rays; substituted the brain of
someone else for the brain of JFK; created, altered, or destroyed
autopsy photographs; or subjected motion pictures, such as the
Zapruder film, to extensive editing using highly sophisticated
techniques. Nor could any of these things have been done by the
alleged assassin, Lee Oswald, who was either incarcerated or
already dead.
The only theories that are remotely plausible, given these evidentiary
findings, are those that implicate various elements of the government.
It was a crime of such monstrous proportions and immense consequences
that the clearly most reasonable explanation is that elements
of the government covered up the crime because those same elements
of the government committed the crime. For the CIA to have brought
these effects about on its own, moreover, would have required
medical officers of the U.S. Navy, agents of the Secret Service,
and the President's personal physician, among many others, to
have been working for or otherwise under its control. While the
CIA has repeatedly demonstrated its abilities in bringing about
changes in governments around the world--and no doubt elements
of the CIA were involved in planning and covering up this crime--it
looks as though it could not have done this one on its own.
Smoking Gun #16: Many individuals knew details about
the assassination before and after the fact, all of whom viewed
Lee Oswald as no more then a patsy.
One of the more amusing events involved in assassination studies
occurred when Liz Smith, a syndicated columnist, apprised her
readers that, although she had always taken for granted that
The Warren Report (1964) was right and that Oswald had
been a lone assassin, after reading Noel Twyman, Bloody Treason
(1997), she was no longer sure. This provoked an outraged
response from Jack Valenti, the Hollywood Czar and former aide
to LBJ, who proclaimed that there was a simple way to know for
sure no conspiracy had been involved, namely: that, if there
had been a conspiracy, someone would have talked -- and no
one has talked! The possibility of a small scale conspiracy
or that most of the conspirators might have been eliminated right
away to keep things quiet may have escaped him, but for a conspiracy
of any magnitude--involving dozens and dozens, if not hundreds
of people--what Valenti said may have seemed to be right. Of
course, that presumes Valenti knew what he was talking about.
On a single page of Bloody Treason (1997, p. 285), for
example, Noel lists eight names of prominent persons who have
talked, including Mafia Dons Carlos Marcello and Santo Trafficante,
Jr.; right-wing extremist Joseph Milteer; mobster Johnny Roselli;
high ranking CIA official David Atlee Phillips; his old boss,
Lyndon Baines Johnson; CIA contract agent and professional anti-Communist
Frank Sturgis; and Sam Giancanna, who confessed the complicity
of the mob in collusion with the CIA to his brother, Chuck. If
Valenti cared about the truth in a matter of this kind, then
he might have wanted to read Twyman's book before he set out
to trash it, or visited his local book store and picked up a
copy of Double Cross (1992)
Other Sources
These are hardly the only persons to have talked about
the assassination. Jim Hicks, for example, who bears a striking
resemblance to someone photographed outside of the Cuban Embassy
in Mexico City impersonating Lee Oswald, was photographed in
Dealey Plaza with an antenna hanging out of his pocket and claims
to have been a communications coordinator for the killing. Charles
Harrelson, serving a life term for the assassination of a federal
judge with a high - powered rifle, once confessed to having killed
Kennedy, by which I take it he meant he had fired the fatal shot.
Chauncey Holt, a counterfeiter who worked as a contract agent
for the CIA, has told me he was instructed to bring 15 sets of
forged Secret Service credentials to Dealey Plaza, which he dutifully
prepared, but that, in light of his extensive experience with
the underworld, he thought it was not a mob hit but rather a
military operation. I now suspect that Chauncey was correct.
And there are others. Perhaps the most interesting is Madeleine
Duncan Brown, a former mistress of LBJ by whom she had a son,
who was not LBJ's only offspring out of wedlock but was his only
son. Among the fascinating details she conveys in a book of their
affair, Texas in the Morning (1997), is that Lyndon
told her, at a social, event the night before the murder at the
home of oil baron Clint Murchison, that after tomorrow he would
not have to put up with embarrassment from those Kennedy boys
any longer. And that, during a New Year's Eve rendezvous at The
Driskill Hotel in Austin, when she confronted him with rumors
(rampant in Dallas at the time) that he had been involved (since
no one stood to gain more personally), he blew up at her and
told her that the CIA and the oil boys had decided that Jack
had to be taken out - which is about as close as we are going
to get to the font
Then and Now
Having known Chauncey Holt and having talked with Madeleine
Duncan Brown, no doubt I have cognitive advantages that Jack
Valenti does not enjoy, simply because I know more about the
case than he does. Although many American know that there are
excellent books on the assassination--including Harold Weisberg,
Whitewash (1965), Mark Lane, Rush to Judgment (1966),
Josiah Thompson1 Six Seconds in Dallas (1967), Sylvia
Meager, Accessories After the Fact (1967), James
Hepburn, Farewell America (1968), George O'Toole, The
Assassination Tapes (1975), Gary Shaw, The Cover-Up (1976),
Peter Model and Robert Groden, JFK: The Case for Conspiracy
(1976), David Lifton, Best Evidence (1980), Jim Garrison,
On the Trail of the Assassins (1988), Jim Marrs,
Crossfire (1989), Robert Groden and Harrison Livingstone,
High Treason (1989), Charles Crenshaw, JFK: Conspiracy
of Silence (1992), Harrison Livingstone, High Treason
2 (1992), Robert Groden, The Killing of a President (1993),
and Noel Twyman, Bloody Treason (1997)--to mention 16
of the best--they do not realize how much we know now on the
basis of scientific findings.
In defense of Judge Tunheim, of course, the objection could
be raised that he had his hands full with more than 60,000 records
and might not have had any opportunity for reading other work
on the assassination, even Stewart Galanor, Cover-Up (1998),
a work of less than 200 pages that conclusively refutes Warren
Commission and HSCA findings. Although he was Chair of the ARRB,
it might be argued, he cannot be expected to have read everything
ever written on this subject. And, indeed, that is not an unreasonable
point to make for any American citizen. Let me therefore close
with a recommendation. Start with Galanor's Cover-Up (1998),
as I have done here; then read the book you have in your hands;
and finally turn to Assassination Science (1998). You
are entitled to know what happened to your country on 22 November
1963. As Charles Drago has eloquently observed, anyone sincerely
interested in this case who does not conclude that JFK was murdered
as the result of a conspiracy is either unfamiliar with the evidence
or cognitively impaired.
