By Robert D. Morningstar (C.1994 & 1999)
("Antimedicine" is a supplement
to R. D. Morningstar's "The Ultimate Secret of the JFK Assassination"
Humes, Boswell, & Finck in Warren Commission Report (WCR)
J. D. Tippit Autopsy Report by Dallas Coroner, Dr. Earl RoseThis medical analysis was first published in 1994 as supplementary evidence to support the author's thesis of the JFK-Tippit Body Swap of November 22, 1963. J. D. Tippit was the Dallas Police officer purportedly slain by Lee Harvey Oswald just 40 minutes after the shooting of JFK. The particulars regarding the use of J. D. Tippit's skull, brain, x-rays and photographs in substitution for JFK's in the Bethesda autopsies and Warren Commission evidence are to be found in "The Ultimate Secret" cited above. This work deals with internal matters.
Beside the extensive use of altered photographs and films to deceive the eyes of doctors, medical experts and investigators, the cover-up of President Kennedy's murder also involved the extensive use of skilled verbal disinformation, semantics, and information management theory. By hiding pertinent facts under millions of irrelevant ones, the truth of the case was camouflaged and hidden like the proverbial needle in a haystack. Many have looked through the haystack of lies and half-facts only to get stuck at some semantic dead end or cul de sac of lies and disinformation. Those who got to the point of the hidden needle often paid with their lives. Reporter Dorothy Kilgallen and U.S. Navy Commander William Bruce Pitzer are two examples.
On November 8th, 1965, Kilgallen was found dead, succumbing to an alchohol-barbituate overdose (a dosage level capable of killing 3 people). Commander Pitzer had filmed the JFK autopsy on November 22, 1963 and it is rumored that upon his retirement from the Navy, Pitzer had planned to release a bootlegged copy of the film and autopsy photos to break into a new career in television. If true, his plans for success were short-lived. Commander Pitzer was found at his desk shot through the head in Bethesda Naval Hospital in 1967. Both victims died by suicide (according to the official investigations).
After 36 years of study, it is clear to this writer now that the WC Report was merely a specious semantic argument based on much falsified, slanted, misinterpreted or concocted information. Warren Commission thinking was coupled with a Mephistophelean method of twisting the facts using "word wizardry" to "force true" the Single Gunman Theory. To this end, The Warren Commission Report uses a method which this writer dubbed "parajargon". "Parajargon" is like "gobbledygook" except that "gobbledygook" actually means something. "Extinguish all illumination" (the classic gobbledygook) could well be taken to be the Warren Commission motto. In "parajargon", real meanings are veiled and actual facts disguised or changed by the use of complex paraphrasing or strategic omission of information. When one considers the fact that none of the Commissioners studied (and only one member viewed) photographs or autopsy materials, the semantic nature of the WCR's conclusions is clear and, as demonstrated below, self-evident.
There is a consistent use of "word wizardry", twisting the meaning of words, veiling facts in perverse ways throughout the WCR. One of the most revealing uses of "parajargon" (culled and decrypted by this researcher) is demonstrated by the paraphrased medical jargon and phraseology found in the Warren Commission's JFK autopsy report when compared with the Dallas Coroner's autopsy report on J. D. Tippit written by Dr. Earl Rose on November 22nd, 1963.
Drs. Humes, Boswell, and Finck's (HBF) description of the damage to the "apical" region of the right lung and the back of the Bethesda victim corresponds well with Rose's description of the damage done to Tippit's right lung and 4th thoracic vertebra.
The most preposterous aspect of the Magic Bullet Theory is the idea that a high velocity bullet traveling at 2000 ft/sec could strike JFK's back at a downward angle of 45-60 degrees and be deflected upward, reversing trajectory by striking nothing but the soft tissue of his back.
Furthermore, even more fatuous, follows the concept that it then follows its magic trajectory passing through soft tissue exclusively, never striking a single bone, yet making five (5) changes of direction before exiting the President's body, two changes downward (45 & 60 degrees) in the supra-scapular region of entry, one upward to the supra-clavicular region, deflected by "nothing" more than 90 degrees to the left, then right again to make its exit from lower anterior region of the trachea.
Regarding the back wound, Humes, Boswell and Finck (WCR) state in theirsummary:
"The other missile entered the right superior posterior thorax above the scapula andtraversed the soft tissuesof the supra-scapular and supra-clavicular portions of the base of the right side of the neck. The missileproduced contusions of the right apical parietal pleura and of the apical portion of the right upper lobe ofthe lung. The missile contused the strap muscles of theright side of the neck, damaged the trachea and made its exit through the anterior surface of the neck. As far as can be ascertained this missile struckno bony structures in its path through the body."
Note that Humes, Boswell, and Finck (HBF) find "contusions of the right apical parietal pleura and the apical portion of the right upper lobe of the lung". Let us now compare the above description with Rose's description of the damage done to Tippit's right lung and spine by Wound No. 2:
"THE COURSES OF THE MISSILES ARE FOLLOWED. The wound described as No. 2 is found to go between the second and third rib. The missile is found to penetrate the anterior edge of the right upper lobe. The bulletIs found to go into the pericardial sac, there is extensive hemorrhage in the pericardial sac, approximately 4 ounces. Passes through the superior vena cava. It exits into the mediastinum, strikes the fourth thoracic vertebra and is recovered slightly to the left of the vertebra approximately 16 inches from the top of the head, having pursued a course very slightly upward, to the left and backward."
Though HBF state the bullet entered "above the scapula", Fox photo F5 (The Back) shows an entry wound much lower and level with the 3rd thoracic vertebra as stated by Admiral Burkley in a death certificate. Is it not possible that the "contusions of the right apical parietal pleura and the apical portion of the right upper lobe of the lung" in the purported body of JFK are actually the wounds observed earlier by Rose in Tippit's right lung.
Two Army helicopters were seen and heard at Andrews AFB, Walter Reed Hospital and Bethesda Naval Hospital on the night of the autopsy. Could General Leonard Heaton, U.S. Army Surgeon General, during an examination at Walter Reed Hospital, have modified Tippit's wounds? Surgery to the victim's skull and "top of the head" were revealed by the Sibert/O'Neill FBI report. Could the lung wound in Tippit's body have coagulated during an interim of more than eight hours (or possibly, a week) to produce a "5 cm. diameter area of purplish red discoloration and increased firmness to palpation" observed later by the Bethesda team? In the light of new evidence, it is now possible to answer "yes" to all these questions.
Dr. Rose describes penetration of the anterior edge of the right upper lobe, passing through and exiting exactly where HBF later observed "contusions" and a palpable difference in hardness in the Bethesda victim. Note that when Rose writes:
"anterior edge of the right upper lobe"
in the Tippit autopsy, he is speaking precisely about the same region that Humes, Boswell and Finck describe in the purported body of JFK as:
"the right apical parietal pleura and the apical portion of the right upper lobe of the lung."
Note this further remarkable parallel (or is it paraphrase?) from Humes, Boswell and Finck in the Warren Commission autopsy report:
"LUNGS: The lungs are of essentially similar appearance the right weighing 320 Gm., the left 290 Gm. The lungs are well aerated with smooth glistening pleural surfaces and grey-pink color. A 5 cm. diameter area of purplish red discoloration and increased firmness to palpation is situated in the apical portion of the right upper lobe. This corresponds to the similar area described in the overlying parietal pleura. Incision in this region reveals recent hemorrhage into pulmonary parenchyma."
The last sentence is very important since it refers to hemorrhaging within the internal structures of the right lung. Dr. Rose's microscopic examination of Tippit's lung states:
"LUNG: There is disruption of the parenchyma withfresh hemorrhages."
Humes, Boswell, and Finck state:
"Lungs: Sections through the grossly described areaof contusion in the right upper lobe exhibit disruptionof alveolar walls and recent hemorrhage into alveoli. Sections are otherwise unremarkable."
What is not "unremarkable" is that "alveolar walls" and "alveoli" are synonymous with "pulmonary parenchyma".
For the missile to cause internal hemorrhaging in the upper right lobe of the lung and contusions of the "the overlying parietal pleura" it would seem necessary for the missile to have penetrated the upper right lung of JFK. The Bethesda autopsists concluded otherwise. The report insinuate that the bullet bruised the lung journeying upward toward the supra-clavicular region. "A 5 cm. diameter area of purplish red discoloration and increased firmness to palpation is situated in the apical portion of the right upper lobe."
The problem is that to do so and follow the path described by the WCR autopsists, having entered from the rear, it would have to have passed forward somehow, through (or over and around) before making the left turn to follow the supra-clavicular portions of the upper right side of the neck striking "no bony structures in its path through the body" to exit from the lower anterior portion of the neck as described by Humes, Boswell and Finck. HBF in describing the wound as "purplish red discoloration and increased palpation" slant both the evidence and the angle of incidence in the direction necessary to validate "The Magic Bullet Theory" suggesting or inferring that the "red discoloration" was the point of deflection where the bullet changed course upward in the direction of the prescribed "exit wound" of the throat.
GERALD FORD'S SOLUTION TO THE WOUND PROBLEMAs revealed in an Associated Press report on July 3, 1997, then Congressman Gerald R. Ford altered the site of the back entry wound, raising it by several inches to cover up the discrepancy. Though the autopsists describe damage to the lung consistent with a 3rd thoracic vertebra entry as described by Admiral Burkley, Ford's alterations and the falsified drawing which followed illustrate the purported passage of the "Magic Bullet" passing through the trapezius muscle near the CERVICAL vertebrae on the right side of the neck and never passing near the right lung.
In regard to this drawing, FBI Agent Francis X. O'Neill, who was present at the Bethesda autopsy, offered a revealing opinion to the HSCA interviewer who wrote that agent O'Neill "...also stated that the medical illustrator that the commission employed did not accurately depict the President's wounds."
Despite this, the Bethesda medical description of the internal wound shows that part of the "Magic Bullet's" zigzag path through the pleural cavity ("the apical region of the right lung") intersects the course described by Dr. Rose for Wound No. 2 through the upper right lobe of Tippit's lung. "Apical" in Humes, Boswell, and Finck's description refers to the "apex" of the lung, precisely the "upper right" portion, thus paraphrasing Rose's autopsy of Tippit.
Let us recall that under Admiral Burkley's orders, Humes was forced to rewrite the autopsy report on November 23-24, after having burned his original notes. November 23-24, 1963 are also the days when discrepancies emerged. Dr. Malcolm Perry and his staff were notified that the throat wound which he stated appeared to be an entry wound was "a wound of exit" and that the Parkland medical team had completely overlooked the presence of the back wound at the 3rd thoracic vertebra.
Is it not possible (or even likely) that one of the Bethesda autopsists may have spoken to Dr. Malcolm Perry and possibly Dr. Earl Rose as well regarding the wounds which they had observed on the body of "the victim" the day before? Dr. Rose is the only person to our knowledge to have had access to BOTH bodies. Did they discuss the brains, both of which manifested "lacerations of the cerebral peduncles"? Or the skull fractures? Obviously, it could not be discussed in an open context. Earl Rose would not have brought up the Tippit autopsy and Humes would not have asked, being ignorant of Tippit's role. Could Dr. Rose, who called JFK's murder "just another homicide, have misled the investigation by planting falsified evidence? We conclude so based on his report.
Drs. Humes, Boswell, and Finck describe the Bethesda victim:
"The fatal missile entered the skull above and to the right of the external occipital protuberance. A portion of the projectile traversed the cranial cavity in a posterior-anterior direction (see lateral skull roentgenograms) deposited minute particles along its path. A portion of the projectile made its exit through the parietal bone on the right carrying with it portions of cerebrum, skull and scalp. The two wounds of the skull combined with the force of the missile produced extensive fragmentation of the skull, laceration of the superior sagittal sinus, and of the right cerebral hemisphere."
Dr. Rose describes Tippit's head wound:
"INCISIONS: The standard "Y" thoracoabdominal and inter-mastoid incisions are utilized. Examination of the wound of the right temple is made. It is found to enter the right middle cranial fossa, pursues a course which is slightly upward, backward and to the left. There is extensive fracturing about the entrance and extensive fractures as it strikes the left occipitoparietal bone."
Whereas Drs. Humes, Boswell and Finck describe "the projectile made its exit through the parietal bone...", Dr. Rose describes his victim's missile "...is found to enter the right middle cranial fossa". The parietal bone borders the lateral part of the right middle cranial fossa.
Whereas Humes, Boswell and Finck describe "extensive fragmentation of the skull, laceration of the superior sagittal sinus, and of the right cerebral hemisphere", Dr. Rose describes that in Tippit's head wound "There is fracturing about the entrance and extensive fractures as it strikes the left occipitoparietal bone." The center of the "superior sagittal sinus" is partly formed by the occipitoparietal bone. Could what Dr. Rose calls "extensive fracturing" be identical to Humes, Boswell and Finck's "extensive fragmentation of the skull"?
Medically, a "sinus" is defined (Webster) as "3. in anatomy and zoology, any of various cavities, hollows or passages; especially , a. Any of the air spaces in the skull opening into the nasal cavities,...". The superior sagittal sinus is a cerebral sinus running along the topmost center of the skull ending at the occipital protuberance at the back of the head. Since a "sinus" is a cavity, it is not difficult to understand what Humes, Boswell, Finck mean by "laceration of the superior sagittal sinus". They meant the parts of the brain contained or immediately adjacent to the borders of this cavity, which would, of coarse, have to be the external membranes of the surface of the brain or "meninges".
It is interesting to note that whereas Humes, Boswell and Finck state "lacerations of the superior sagittal sinus", Dr. Rose's missile is "found to exit from the brain substance in the calcarine gyrus to the left of the midline. There are penetrations of the meninges in the regions described."
Here is another remarkable similarity to be found in Humes, Boswell and Finck's "Gross Description of the Brain":
"When viewed from the vertex the left cerebral hemisphere is intact. There is marked engorgement of menigeal blood vessels of the left temporal and frontal regions with considerable sub-arachnoid hemorrhage...
When viewed from the basilar aspect the disruption of the right cortex is again obvious. There is a longitudinallaceration of the mid-brain through the floor of the third ventricle just behind the optic chiasm and the mammillary bodies. This laceration partially communicates with an oblique1.5 cm tear through the left cerebral peduncle."Dr. Rose describes his victim's brain:
"...The course of the missile is followed. It is foundto enter the right temporal lobe, coursed through thebrain transecting the brain stem, severing the cerebralpeduncles surrounded by extensive hemorrhaging, and found to exit the brain substance in the calcarine gyrusthe left of the midline."
Humes, Boswell and Finck's description of the damage done by the "longitudinal laceration of the mid-brain through the floor of the third ventricle just behind the optic chiasm and the mammillary bodies" could be considered identical to Dr. Rose's "coursed through the brain transecting the brain stem, severing the cerebral peduncles surrounded by extensive hemorrhage." Dr. Rose's "transected" brain stem may be contiguous or identical with the Bethesda autopsists' "longitudinal laceration of the mid-brain through the floor of the third ventricle...".
Could Dr. Rose's severed cerebral peduncles in Tippit's brain be the same ones described by the WC autopsist as "an oblique 1.5 cm. tear through the left cerebral peduncle" which is seen to communicate "partially with the longitudinal laceration of the mid-brain" in the Bethesda victim, viewed from the "basalar aspect"? Could Dr. Rose's parasagittal intermastoid incisions to track and retrieve the bullet from Tippit's brain be identical to HBF's "longitudinal lacerations of the mid-brain through the floor of the third ventricle"? Rose's description of Tippit's head wound fits thehead wound seen in the "Stare of Death Photos" more accurately than that of the Warren Commission Report on JFK's wound.
One of the most unusual paradoxes in the John F. Kennedy autopsy report is the discrepancy in the descriptions of the brain damage seen in Parkland Hospital and that described in Bethesda. The brain seen in Bethesda is too heavy (1500 gms.) to be the same one which demonstrated 30 to 40 percent loss of brain mass in the right hemisphere at Parkland hospital. An intact large adult male brain weighs 1400-1500 gms. How could JFK's brain regain the mass it lost in Dallas? How could Humes, Boswell and Finck come to observe a "longitudinal laceration" in tissue which could not have been there according to the Parkland accounts.When the brain in Parkland demonstrated extreme maceration and evulsions of cerebrum and cerebellar tissue as described by Dr. Kemp Clark, how could the brain in Bethesda manifest a longitudinal laceration through tissue that was missing or macerated in Parkland Hospital? The remains of the right hemisphere of the brain observed at Parkland Hospital was basically liquefied and exuding through the rear head wound.
Though the brain seen at Bethesda looked small to observers in Bethesda, it tipped the scale on the high end at 1500 gms. The brain of J. D. Tippit had weighed 1350 gms. Earlier that afternoon in Dallas. Formalin fixation, a standard autopsy process mentioned by HBF in their report, can make a brain specimen gain weight and apparent mass when suffused with the formula.
It is also important to note that the position of Rose's "intermastoid incisions" of Tippit's skull corresponds with the position of the "Devil's Ear" in the Stare-of-Death Photos of JFK. If we look at these photographs with the idea of "intermastoid incisions" rather than just a bullet wound, the "Devil's Ear" in that light starts to make sense as tissue that has been surgically reflected.
James Curtis Jenkins, who was present in Bethesda, stated in H. E. Livingston's "High Treason II" (p.226):
"It wasn't necessary to surgically remove the brain from the skull. I remember Humes saying, 'This brain fell out in my hands. The brain stem has been surgically cut."
In the light of the foregoing comparison and analysis of both the Kennedy and Tippit autopsies, the evidence seems overwhelming that Drs. Humes, Boswell and Finck were hoodwinked into believing that they were examining President John F. Kennedy while at times they may have been presented with the cadaver and organs (brain, lungs, and skull) of Jefferson Davis Tippit, on whom it may now credibly be presumed "..it was obvious that a tracheotomy had been performed, and surgery in the head area, namely, in the top of the skull", as described in the Sibert & O'Niell FBI Report. Only a new, unbiased and thorough investigation can set the matter to rest. Only then will the soul of the nation and those of the victims truly rest in peace. Only then will justice be done.
The case has come quite a long way since 1994. Though, at first, difficult to accept or to fathom, many reasonable people have now come to realize a better understanding of the central role of the Tippit murder to the successful outcome of the assassination. "Success" came with JFK really killed (three times over), the killers free (minus one, sacrificed as planned, Tippit), the patsy, Oswald, framed and killed, assassin Ruby silenced, and with the masterminds remaining anonymous...or almost anonymous until 1999.
Previously, there was criticism of my theory based on temporal objections to the official time line, i.e, the idea that it could not have happened within the given time span of November 22-23, 1963.
However, the time line objections have recently been muted and invalidated by the evidence released in 1999 by the Assassination Records Review Board demonstrating unequivocally that a second brain autopsy was performed on the 29th of November by Dr. Finck. Some controversy amongst the doctors exists as to who was really present at the second brain autopsy The controversy actually suggests that there may have been three sessions with the brain specimen.
Thus it becomes self-evident and apparent to logical thinkers that if the autopsy team actually took a week to autopsy the purported brain of JFK correctly for the Warren Commission Report, no one can say with any certainty that the autopsy team couldn't have taken a week (or more) to write up the purported body (or parts of a body) of "JFK" correctly.
The final report came out nearly a year later but on Monday the 25th of November 1963, discrepancies between Parkland medical testimonies and Bethesda "evidence" became evident and were being worked out. However, it would take ten months to engineer the solution. The official record now shows more autopsies ensued that week.
The hoodwinking and coercion of the Parkland medical staff began immediately with arguments and accusations surrounding the alteration of the throat wound. The government experts claimed that Dr. Malcolm Perry's tracheotomy had altered the throat wound and eradicated evidence of the bullet's "exit". This attack was bolstered by pointing out the back entry wound, which was missed by the Parkland doctors. All this served in a concerted effort to intimidate the Parkland medical staff which had fought to save John F. Kennedy, compromising their credibility, competency and putting them on the defensive for years to come. Though they did not officially recant they were cowed into silence.
Paul O'Connor, a U.S. Navy Medic, who assisted Humes, Boswell, and Finck on the very night of the autopsy revealed to this writer, in a face-to-face interview in Dallas in 1998, that Jerrold Custer, his partner in the Radiology Department, was quite outraged ("Mad as Hell" were his exact words) when he saw Admiral Burkley working up contrived x-rays.
H.E. Livingstone reports (in "High Treason II") Jerrold Custer's statement that Dr. John Ebersole and Captain Brown were engaged (under Burkley's orders) in composing different versions of x-rays in the radiology room upstairs in Bethesda Naval Hospital. O'Connor went on to state that the incision made on the body which he removed from a metal shipping casket was not opened using a "Y-Incision" but an upside-down "Horseshoe-Shaped" incision. O'Connor emphasized that in over a hundred previous autopsies he had performed with Jerrold Custer, this was the FIRST TIME that a "Y-Incision" was NOT USED yet the WCR autopsy report states that a Y-incison WAS used. Who is telling the truth? This writer believes the words of Paul O'Connor.
Admiral Burkley's team was using skull and bullet fragments as late as 10:30 or 11 a.m. on Saturday morning, November 23rd, 1963 for the x-ray compositions. However, a body had already been cosmetized by the morticians at Gawlor's Funeral Parlor and turned over to Jackie, Robert, and the Kennedy family in the predawn hours that day. At 5 a.m. on November 23rd, the official body in the official casket reposed in the White House awaiting a funeral mass.
If the body turned over to the Kennedy family was really that of JFK, whose skull was Admiral Burkley's x-ray autopsy team playing with in the x-ray room at Bethesda Naval Hospital late that same morning of the 23rd? More importantly, whose brain was really autopsied a second and possibly third time by Humes, Finck and Boswell sometime around November 29th, 1963?
In Novmber of 1998, Douglas Horne, counsel to the Assassination Records Review Boards, assembled a series of documents and transcriptys of AARB eyewitness testimony which appear to support the findings of this investigation. Horne discovered and exposed the incidence of a second brain autopsy which was conducted surreptitiously (it was not discovered for 35 years) on November 29th, 1963, a whole week after the assassination and four days after the President was presumably interred at Arlington National Cemetary.
If one reads the testimony of the autopsy team before the HSCA, one receives the impression that one of the doctors was "out of the loop." Horne's HSCA and AARB documents bring to light an interesting discrepancy, namely, that although all three doctors, Humes Boswell and Finck agree conclusively that a "second brain autopsy" occurred, 2 of the doctors assert that the 3rd one wasn't there. Dr. Huimes and Dr. Boswell claim that Finck was not present at the "second autopsy", Finck claimed that HE WAS!
Is it not logical then to assume that if the 3 doctors are all testifying accurately, then the "second autopsy" recalled by Dr. Finck may represent yet a 3rd autopsy session to which the other two, Humes and Boswell, were NOT PRIVY. If they ALL remember a "second autopsy" but two of them exclude the other who remembers accurately that he was present, then the doctor who is "out of the loop" (Finck) may be confusing a separate and 3rd session with the one called the "second autopsy" by the other two.
What was going on at Walter Reed Hospital and in Bethesda Naval Hospital during the week following the assassination? Whose body was it? When shown the corpse before sealing the casket, why did Jackie Kennedy say "That's not Jack! It's like something in Madame Toussaud's". Robert Kennedy's comment was more terse: "It doesn't look like him at all!"
Those readers who have read "The Ultimate Secret" (cited above) will recall that this writer was able to debunk the false JFK autopsy photographs based on neck and chest mole patterns which were particular to Officer J.D. Tippit and absent from the neck and chest of the real JFK. It was in 1993 that a large, dark mole shown clearly on the right side of the victim's neck in the "Stare of Death Photos" first convinced this writer that the victim depicted in the photos was not JFK but Officer Tippit.
This writer has contended for many years that John F. Kennedy bore no such blemishe(s) on either his neck nor his chest. This was verified by a close relative of the late President who knew JFK since childhood. In Dallas, on November 21st, 1998, Kerri McCarthy, first cousin to the late President, confirmed this point during a personal conversation with this writer at the JFK Lancer Conference. When this writer informed Mrs. McCarthy of the alteration and substitution of Tippit's body and of the discrepancies in the photos, she was able to confirm that John F. Kennedy bore no such blemishes on his neck. Mrs. McCarthy seemed relieved to know that these barbarities, such as the altered throat wound, had not been visited upon"Jack". However, there were several others which were visited upon JFK in a multiple crossfire and hail of bullets. When asked where JFK's body was, I could only speak for the head, the rest remains a mystery.
In the fall of 1998, a researcher , Philip Guiliano, published a photo comparison proving that the left ear of the victim in the autopsy photos is dissimilar to the left ear of President Kennedy shownin photographs taken at Love Field on the morning of the assassination. Guiliano's study supported work done by this writer in 1996 on the right ear and comparisons made between the victim depicted in the "Stare of Death"photos and photos of Officer Tippit. The right ear bears a great resemblance to Officer Tippit's ear and is quite distinct from that of the real JFK seen that day.
With the help of JFK researcher and author, Vincent Palmera, this writer recently acquired HSCA (House Select Committee on Assassinations) documents of the testimony given by FBI Agent Francis X. O'Neill before the House Select Committee on Assassinations on January 10th, 1978. This fortuitous turn of events has provided yet another wealth of information supporting my theory of a Tippit body swap and organ substitution in the JFK autopsy.
When we discerned in 1993 that it was Officer Tippit and not JFK depicted in the "Stare of Death" photos, it confirmed the fact that the throat wound and tracheotomy disputed by Dr. Malcolm Perry and shown in the photos were, in fact, not actually Dr. Perry's handiwork but a surgical forgery. This observation went far in explaining the discrepancies and resolving the dispute in favor of the Parkland Medical staff.
Therefore, the disputed wound depicted in the photos would have to have been a surgical operation intended to impose upon the body of Officer Tippit a wound which he had not actually suffered but one which had to be provided because it was already known that the real JFK had indeed suffered such a wound and a subsequent tracheotomy. This being already known to many, the substitute, of necessity, had to manifest the same or similar wound.
These circumstances provided a singular opportunity to modify the wound and to slant the evidence (once more) in the direction of the Single Bullet Theory. The falsified photos bear this out in the disavowal of the wound shown by Dr. Malcolm Perry, Dr. Charles Crenshaw and the Parkland Medical Staff. The wound is not the same one which they last saw in Parkland Hospital at 1 p.m. on November 22nd , 1963.
Since it was first proposed, this writer has viewed this scenario as a cornerstone of the body swap theory and a sine qua non without which the entire theory would fall. It was therefore with great satisfaction that we read the particular details of O'Neill's HSCA testimony previously unnoticed or ignored by other researchers.
I have always contended that the throat wound depicted in the photos, described by Dr. Crenshaw in "Conspiracy of Silence" as "the work of a butcher" was a surgical incision, there would have been no sign of a bullet wound of entry or exit. Imagine then, this investigator's great surprise (and satisfaction) to note that FBI agent Francis X. O'Neill testifies precisely to that fact, not once but TWICE, in the official 8 page HSCA deposition taken by an HSCA interviewer, Donald "Andy" Purdy.
On page 4 of the Francis X. O'Neill interview, the HSCA interviewer states:
"O'Neill said that he had no recollection of any bullet damage around the trachea."
This point was important enough to be taken up again by O'Neill even more emphatically and in greater detail on page 6 of his deposition. HSCA counsel Andy Purdy notes:
"O'Neill mentioned that he does not see how the bullets which entered below the shoulder in the back could havecome out of the throat...O'Neill stated that he did not recall anything about the tracheotomy incision that indicated any bullet had damaged the area."
In addition to the major point being made regarding the absence of "any bullet damage" to the trachea, we would do well to note O'Neill's use of the plural form regarding "the bullets which entered below the shoulder in the back". This statement is made even more intriguing by the very
last statement of O'Neill's deposition:"O'Neill ended the interview by stating that he is 'positive'that the bullet that entered the back came out of the back."
These few statements by an honest and straight talking FBI Agent, had they been admitted into the official Warren Commission Report, would have single-handedly demolished the entire Warren Commission scheme. It is therefore not surprising to find the FBI Agent puzzled before interviewer Purdy who stated
"Although O'Neill was interviewed at length by Arlen Specter, he felt it was odd that he was not called to give testimony."
Very odd, indeed, like so many strategic omissions of the Warren Commission.
One passage from the traditional "Pirate's Song" seems ironically appropriate:
"15 men on dead man's chest, yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum." What went on in Bethesda in November 1963 could most simply be described as an act of national "piracy" or "skullduggery", which is traditionally symbolized by a set of skull and bones on a black flag.OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PHOTOGRAPHS DISAVOWED
A very important witness before the Assassination Records Review Board was John Stringer, the U.S. Navy photographer who shot the autopsy photos of the purported brain of John F. Kennedy on November 22nd, 1963. In 1998, as reported by the Associated Press, Stringer categorically repudiated the "official government photos" of the JFK brain presented to him by the Assassination Records Review Board. Stringer stated emphatically that the brain shown in the photos was too large, shot at the wrong angles and aspects (meaning other that those which he remembered using specifically on the 22nd of November, 1963). Ultimately, when challenged by one of the review board members, added pointedly: "...and I didn't use that type of film".
On a television program recently presented by the Discovery Channel, this writer saw the body of Jesse James raised from the grave. A team, lead by Dr. James Starrs of the University of Washington disinterred Jesse James' body and other researchers, geneticists from the University of Pennsylvania, took DNA samples. Dr. Starrs' team of specialists confirmed that it was the true "Jesse". We firmly believe that some of us may live to see the body of John F. Kennedy raised. Some of us may not, but it will rise one day to testify against several murderers. It will bear witness against those who murdered his body and those who murdered our history. It is the only logical solution to the problems, both social and judicial, which his death has left unresolved for nearly 40 years.
If we have raised Jesse James, shall we not raise John F. Kennedy?2000: RAISING JFK
Quite rightly, as we approach the millennial crossroads of Western History, we do so with a new perspective on our own history. The ghost of John F. Kennedy continues to cast a long shadow over our past and our future. Metaphorically speaking, each of us is, in a certain sense, very slowly unwrapping the mummy of John F. Kennedy. Inevitably, we shall raise it and the world will realize the truth regarding his assassination.
By saving the world from nuclear holocaust during the Cuban Missile Crisis, John F. Kennedy became the epitome of the American mythic hero. By uncovering the truth about JFK's death, we have revived our history, reanimating the national psyche, restoring balance. We shall revive our heroes as well. If not, the nation is lost and it could very easily follow the left-hand path like Nazi Germany to a similar moral decline under another name (New World Order) or another slogan ("political correctness") leading to historical perdition, i.e. the loss of our true history and national destiny.
In exposing the foregoing facts, we have opened the hermetically sealed crypt of John F. Kennedy. We have found The Holy Grail of the JFK Assassination. These proceedings must appear to many people morbid, fearsome, American Gothic horror, at times ghastly and to others, like myself, quite ghostly. In Jungian jargon, JFK has become an American Zeitgheist, a ghost in history, for all time existing in the "phantom zone" of history. He will not go away, only justice can bring peace.
However, through this national rite of passage into the underworld operations of "Antimedicine" (the reversal of medical principles and ethics to suit political needs and hidden agendas), we have found an antidote to its deleterious effects on our culture: the truth about JFK's death. As painful as this may be, like some forms of therapy which may make the patient more ill in order to save his life, this submergence into the netherworld to undo the ill effects of "Antimedicine" will surely make us well again. In recovering the truth about JFK's death, we are restoring our place in history, improving the nation's mental health, and slowly removing the bandages of our own blindness and naivete.
In his life-long message, the late mythologist, Joseph Campell, often sought to remind 20th Century man of the importance of "hero worship" in the spiritual life of nations. The death of a hero must always be justified to maintain greatness as a nation or a culture. I look upon John F. Kennedy as a world hero for our time and a model for what Americans truly wish to be: good in an uncommon way, intelligent, upright, cultured and above all, compassionate to the needs of a world society. JFK was a man of peace, possessed of a global vision without being a "New World Orderly", which may very well be the reason for his untimely death. Yet, knowing of his impending doom, he was unafraid to face his death. John F. Kennedy's death and the mass deception which followed was a world tragedy but we have been strengthened by the challenge of unravelling the facts and unwinding our way to the truth. In doing so, we can reclaim our vision and our future.Nations that slay, betray and forget their heroes cannot long endure on the right path of history. As an example, note where the betrayal and death of the mythical Teutonic hero, Siegfried, has driven the collective unconscious of the German people throughout history. The historical void left by the death of the hero created a spiritual vacuum that could only be filled by an anti-hero. That unjustified hero's death (where "good guys finish last") lead to a breach of faith, a slow dissolution of their ideals, and the demoralization of their culture. The German anti-hero thus assumed power hundreds of years later, not with a sense of justice, but with a sense of vengeance.
"Man of the Century"
There is great expectation at the moment as to who will be designated "Man of the Century" by Time Magazine. Many in the media expect that Adolf Hitler may emerge with the title because (in many historians opinion) he changed the world more radically than any other individual. I believe that these far-sighted historians are wrong: Hitler changed the world by precipitating a war which killed more than 50 million people; John F. Kennedy changed it by preventing a war which would have resulted in the annihilation of humanity, saving 5 billion people from nuclear holocaust, and led us to the Moon and back. Who is the greater "Man of the Century"?It is not surprising that the1980's and the 90's brought into vogue the popularity of the "anti-hero" in cinema and fiction. As "Life Imitates Art", there appears to be a vengeful spirit running amok amongst us. This vengeful spirit has brought the Unabomber, Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Oklahoma City Bombing, and a rash of school shootings like Columbine High School. Today, anti-heroes abound and cast dark shadows across our lives, but the longest shadows still emanate from Dallas, Texas on November 22nd, 1963 and the "standard operating procedures" of government by deception which they instituted to mask the death of the President of the United States. In the historical void left by the death of John F. Kennedy, what will drive the American collective consciousness in the coming millenium, justice or vengeance? I cast my vote for justice.
For John
F. Kennedy...
Robert D. Morningstar
St. James Court
New York City, USA
October 30th, 1999
Not only do the contour of the forehead (marked by a unique & distinctive brow ridge) and the wound site match exactly but, remarkably, the contrast enhanced photo (at right) delineates the contours of the fragmented skull segments below the scalp along the boundary of the light and shadowed areas of the forehead and temple region. The effect caused by the flashbulb has created a boundary area of light and shadow along the boundaries of the sunken skull fragments (particularly in the parietal region, distinguished by the scimitar-like spike) very much like a template for an etching. The victim is one and the same in both the x-ray and the photograph, Officer J.D. Tippit.
Photocomposite by R.D. Morningstar (Copyright 1999, RDM*)