R.D. Morningstar Identifies
![]() Above: RDM* 1999 Photocomposite "Badgcomp12.jpg" |
As we approach the end of the millenium, it should be clear to all JFK assassination researchers that regardless of our personal differences of opinions on the case, we have really achieved something positive as a team, as a "movement" of sorts, and that we shall not enter the 21st Century in ignorance. The light at the end of the tunnel can now be seen, the darkness is past...a better future awaits us for we have redeemed our history and have provided the nation with the course correction which it needed to avoid moral disaster and the decline of civilization that inevitably follows. The I Ch'ing, the oldest book in the world, states: "Here the climax of the darkening is reached. The dark power at first, held so high a place that it could wound all who were on the side of good and of the light. But, in the end, it perishes of its own darkness for evil must itself fall at the very moment when it has wholly overcome the good and thus consumed the energy to which it owed its duration." A Sign of the Times Even as I wrote this introduction, synchronistically, David Lifton, author of "Best Evidence", appeared on Fox News with David Asman discussing (of all things!) the alteration of the Z-Film and why the U.S. should NOT pay the Zapruder foundation (LMH) 30 million dollars until AUTHENTICITY TESTS have been conducted to validated it. With what we now know, it has no hope of passing such a test. |
DAVID LIFTON'S "BEST EVIDENCE" Everyone must know how much I admire David Lifton's work in "Best Evidence". As far as my research and medical studies in the case of the JFK autopsy are concerned, I ask, my fellow Americans, "Where would I be without my 'parasagittal laceration' and 'severed cerebral peduncles' which Mr. Lifton first pointed out." Mr. Lifton's appearance on Fox News was great. Slightly steamed up and a bit irate, but not blowing a gasket, Lifton even quoted Peter Finch in the movie "Network": "I'm mad (as hell) and I'm not going to take it anymore". Actually, Lifton, looking like Harry Truman and just a little too polite didn't quite say "hell" but David Asman repeating it did: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore". It shows how far we've come but...I'm not mad anymore. I'm almost satisfied that justice is about to be done. It's just a matter of time, we have laid the ground work of justice for JFK. We're getting the country back in step with history. "Z"YNCHRONICITY David Lifton's appearance on Fox News on July 13th, 1999 with David Asman comes just one year less one day after this writer gave Fox reporter Asman a copy of "The Z-Thesis". I call this "cross pollination of information" and it redounds to the benefit of all. Reporter David Asman, who also owned a Bell & Howell camera like Zapruder's, clearly understands the problems with the Zapruder film. Last year, I was asked to appear on Fox In-Depth on "Bastille Day" 1998 to debate Howard Motyl, video producer of the new, improved and better altered version of the Zapruder Film(Flam). All sarcasm aside, the digitized version is truly a much better alteration and really worth $20 (but only to an expert). Unlike the "original" original Z-Film, this new alteration is in sharp focus with many nearly complete frames. One can still see the splice marks (though slightly touched up and toned down) as well as many temporal anomalies. The condensation line or "vapor trail" at Z-295 is absolutely exquisite, vindicating my eyesight and position, as well as those of my colleague, Roy Shaeffer of Dayton, Ohio who shares the 1992 discovery with me. Finally, and best of all, one of the "frozen people" in the background of the "original" original Z-Film has actually thawed out and moves with thrashing legs whereas he had lain still, fallen and frozen like an icicle for 35 years in the "original" original Z-Film(Flam) which we all saw first on CBS. We are making progress... "BADGEMAN": A Brief History Sometime in the mid-70's, Ruth Carter, President Jimmy Carter's sister, was shown a print of the Moorman polaroid taken at the moment JFK received his mortal head wound. When seeing it, Ms. Carter remarked that she felt the impression of seeing someone firing from the Grassy Knoll at the President, pointing out the area in question. Ruth Carter was a gifted seer. That is the"legend' that has grown around this story but the truth is more interesting. According to Jack White, who made the discovery, it went like this: "THIS IS
DISCOVERY, THIS ANECDOTE WAS TOTALLY UNKNOWN AND IS NOT VERIFIED. A PHOTO ENLARGEMENT TO BRING OUT DETAIL. THAT LED TO THE DISCOVERY WE CALLED BADGEMAN. RUTH CARTER OR GRODEN HAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY UNTRUE!!!!!!!" A short time later, Jack White, a professional photographer, film developer and expert in photo enlargement procured a UPI photograph made shortly after the assassination of the Moorman polaroid, which by the mid-70's had begun to fade. Jack White continues the official history of "Badgeman": "AT THAT POINT, WE HAD NEVER HEARD OF ANY OBSERVATIONS BY CARTER. I WORKED ENTIRELY FROM THE OBSERVATION BY GARY MACK! BUT IF YOU ARE PUTTING THIS OUT FOR PUBLIC CONSUMPTION, PLEASE CORRECT THE REFERENCES TO RUTH CARTER (UNTRUE) AND REPLACE THEM WITH THE CORRECT STORY." Thus, as a result of his collaboration with Gary Mack, Jack White was able to produce a print of the clearly recognizable image of a man, standing behind the picket fence, dressed in a Dallas Police uniform. This is how this writer describes the appearance of "Badgeman": The man, possessing a nearly horeshoe-shaped receding hairline and with police shield and Dallas P.D. patch reflecting the sunlight is, quite obviously, caught by the camera in the act of firing a rifle at President Kennedy. The photo and the figure revealed by Jack White and Gary Mack have come to be known as "Badgeman", one of the great mysteries of the JFK Assassination. BADGEMAN REVEALED ON
T.V BADGEMAN'S ID Five years ago, after this work, I felt I had identified "Badgeman" (to my satisfaction) but I couldn't tell very many people about it. One of the few who could hear and understand my findings was Professor James Fetzer, McKnight Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesotta, co-author and editor of "Assassination Science". I had made a correlation between the hair line, facial features, and uniform characteristics of "Badgeman" with similar features I saw in photos of a Dallas policeman appearing in other assassination photos, specifically, an arresting officer in some of the Tramp photos. I shared some of my composite studies with Professor Fetzer which showed a nearly identical match in the hairline study. When he saw the head photo which I was using for the comparison, Fetzer advised me that, having seen the original print of the head photo, he could assure me that the photo I was using had been reversed from right to left as the head in the original print was cocked or tilted the other way. Visualizing the reversal, it seemed to me that if it were truly that way, the match would be even better...but I couldn't tell very many people about that in 1994. CALLING DALLAS This year (1999), I celebrated the 4th of July in a special way: I called Dallas, Texas to talk to Jack White for half an hour and to ask his o.k. to release my analysis and enhancements of his original "Badgeman" photo. JFK CONSPIRACY THEORY VALIDATED I really appreciate Mr. White's approach to JFK research and I respect his work very much. Jack is one of the few open-minded and "original thinkers" in the history of assassination research. Where would we be without the mystery of "Badgeman"? Where would public interest in the case be if Jack White had not extracted "Badgeman" from the Mooreman polaroid and given credibilty to the JFK conspiracy theory? What could be more "conspiratorial" than a picture of a Dallas Policeman taking a "pot shot" at the President of the United States on November 22nd, 1963? Recently, I've been inclined to publish my enhancements and analysis of his original "Badgeman" photo enlargements which I first saw on television in 1992. On the 4th of July, 1999, Jack White gave me his permission to use the "Badgeman" image I had captured in 1992 to post this (even though he may not agree with my interpretations). Here is a scan of the first comparison I made between "Badgeman" and the "Tramp Cop" in 1994. However, the opinions expressed hereafter are those of this writer and NOT those of Jack White, Gary Mack or anyone else. They are simply the observations and comments of this researcher and no one else. |
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It is important to note in this study, that, to our advantage, the heads of the two subjects are nearly at the same angle and perspective. This lucky break makes it possible to see the similarity of the "elf ear" in both photos which tapers up sharply peaking with a spear-like point at the apex. Secondly, the position of the chest to the viewer makes it possible to see a unique geometric configuration among the shield, the brass button vertically below the shield, and the tip of the ball point pen clipped in the chest pocket of both uniforms in nearly identical position. The slight differences can easily be attribute to the fact that Badgeman's left arm is lifting the shield area slightly, wrinkling it, as he holds the weapon in firing at JFK. However, the top of the silver clip of the ball point is still visible as a small point of light just to the inside of the shield toward the midline in the "Badgeman" picture. |
RDM* Photocomposite "Shields2.jpg":
SHIELD STUDY In the 4 panel study below, the upper panels show the two shield areas. The lower ones are lettered a,b,c,d, etc. showing our correlation of similarities adjusted for the warping of the uniform by Badgeman's posture. Code: a=Elf-like ear; b=Strong jaw, similar in structure, angle and proportion; c=silver clip of ball point pen ("bpp") on uniform in relation to shield. Note only the very tip of the "bpp" is visible in Badgeman photo due to his arm posture in a firing rifle; d=point of reflected light from the fold of a crease in the uniform. There is yet one more detail (not lettered) of significant importance on the left sleeve of "Badgeman" which will be revealed below. |
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TRACKING THE TRAMP COP The above mentioned observations came after several years of studying the photo evidence and so it was not a discovery that was found out suddenly. It has been a slow recollection of facts. The conviction of certainty grew slowly as I acquired more and better pictures of the Tramp Cop, one of the "arresting" officers (though no arrest is apparent) in the Tramp photos. Below is the Tramp photo from which the above study was made. It is designated "P6" using Webberman/Canfield nomenclature which we will continue to use in our analysis. We come now to two of the most interesting photos in the entire Tramp photo series, designated "P4" and "P7": A DRUID INTEREST My personal interest in this picture was piqued by the unique and nefariously associated patch on the forearm sleeve of the policeman at left. This patch is known to me as one of the symbols of ancient Druids but, perverted in modern times like the "swaztika", it designated to many others in the '50-'60's one of the primary insignias and logos of the Ku Klux Klan's Southern Jurisdiction. One can see it today commonly at white supremacist and skinhead rallies. |
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GUN RUNNING "MINUTEMEN" In Texas, in 1963 in particular, this symbol was used by General Edwin Walker's renegade army of "Minutemen", a rabidly anti-Kennedy, right-wing militarist, gun running army of John Birchers, hate mongers and klansmen with networks thoughout the South. This group was intimately related to the Joseph Milteer and was involved with Jack Ruby in arms thefts at Ft. Hood (See John Elrod's testimony) and gun running (see FBI Lake Ponchatrain raid and Oxford incident involving General Walker's arrest in James Hosty's book on Oswald). To continue our investigation, we must study the next photo in the Tramp series, "P7".Now let us study details of "P4" and "P7". I have designated the photo as "Patch 47" with an inset at the lower right center showing an enlargement of the symbol [(+)] and using the upper right corner of said inset to point to the position of the same symbol also seen on the left sleeve of the arresting officer whom I suspect of being "Badgeman". |
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Returning to our enhancement of Jack White's "Badgeman" photo, I can now demonstrate a definitive correlation which confirms that this suspect may indeed be one of the shooters of President John F. Kennedy. To do this, I must enlarge and invert a small section of the symbol shown in "Patch47" to compare with the presumed forearm position of "Badgeman" as he would have had to position himself to hold a rifle. This posture would, in fact, have to rotate the left forearm outward thus presenting the patch or part of it to the camera. The reader can clearly see this by looking at the motion of his own left forearm while pretending to hold a rifle. In cradling and supporting the rifle from below in the palm of the left hand, the left forearm is forced to turn outward showing the inner surface of the forearm or sleeve (if one is wearing a long sleeve shirt). Below is an enlargement of this section of "Badgeman's" presumed forearm previously shown in the "4 Panel Shield Study." |
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We come now to a stunning demonstration of the possibilities of modern technology to unravel previously unseen and hidden information from the darkest regions of space. As most readers know, there is a computer graphics convention designating 256 shades of grey between white and black and that even in what appears to be wholly black or seemingly amorphous, there may yet be many shades of dark grey and near black containing valuable information. Below, there follows an enlargement and inversion of the symbol (+) we have found on the sleeve of the "Tramp Cops" and "Badgeman". Juxtaposed in the upper left are two images of the patch. The inner one is that one worn by the arresting officer in "P4" (inverted) alongside the one we have found on "Badgeman's" sleeve (far left). The discovery of this symbol on "Badgemen's" left sleeve provides yet another confirmation of our suspicion that the "Elf-eared" officer and "Badgeman" are one and the same person photographed just minutes apart. In the following photo, we are using the lower right corner of the inset circled-cross, seen just left of center, [(+)] , to point out the position of the same symbol on "Badgeman's" left forearm. |
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As many readers may by now suspect, I have a definite idea of who this "Tramp Cop" may be and if the reader guessed "J. D. Tippit", the reader is correct. RECOGNIZING TIPPIT IN 1994 As I stated above, coming to the realization that it was Officer Tippit in the Tramp Photos came slowly. This was due to the difficulty I had had in securing actual photos of the slain officer since I first proposed the possibility that photos of Tippit might have been substituted for those of JFK at the 3rd Decade Symposium Press Conference in June of 1992 in Chicago. All pictures of Tippit seemed to be those of "too young" a man to be the 39 year-old slain in 1963. So it was very gratifying in 1994 when Professor David Porter of Empire State College in New York assisted me in procuring a picture of Tippit showing him closer to his actual age at the time of his demise. When I had collected enough pictures of Tippit between 1992 and 1994 to have memorized his features from different angles and aspects, I was shocked to recognize him as one of the arresting officers in the so-called "Tramp Photos". The picture provided to me by Professor Porter was recently discussed in exchanges with Jack White regarding whether or not Tippit really looked like JFK. I answered with the following photo composite which I believe made the similarities self-evident. |
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Curiously, it was this same photograph which provided me with the raw materials (facial feature components) to configure the "Badgeman Identified" photo composite shown at the beginning of this article. As had been earlier pointed out by Professor James Fetzer, other pictures of Tippit had been reversed from right to left and drawings made of him were distorted. His true wounds had been hidden for 30 years until this writer uncovered them in 1992. Furthermore, false wounds ('legends" regarding the forehead and/or eye) where concocted to explain why Tippit's casket was sealed and buried unseen by his family. Ostensibly, because his face had been "disfigured". However, as we see in the Tippit autopsy photos which this writer released in last year in "The Ultimate Secret of the JFK Assassination", the bullet he received was so precisely place that none of his facial feature were harmed. Tippit's "disfigurement" came later as a result of the falsified "tracheotomy" which was performed on his corpse to fashion "a wound of exit" in anticipation of a single gunman scenario. Tippit was buried so quickly (the very next day in fact, Saturday November 23rd) ) that it has now come to be regularly misreported as Monday the 25th of November. No time was wasted in dispatching Tippit "to his heavenly rest." Though, ironically, in a strange twist of fate, this would be true if I am correct that it was Tippit's body that was buried in JFK's place. |
OLD FRIENDS, NEW INSIGHTS Recently, I chanced to meet with an old friend who had been one of the first friends to be interested in the case back in our Hunter College days in the mid-1970's. When I showed him enlarged copies of "Badgeman" and Tippit, he made a remark which reminded me of Jim Fetzer's discovery of right-left reversal of Tippit photos when he said: "It's too bad this picture of Tippit isn't the other way around 'cause then the hairline matches perfectly even this little wave (or curl) here, it goes right in..." pointing to a little triangular area on Tippit's pate which angles in at a very particular point making the hairline contour, though apparently "Horace shaped", slightly asymmetrical. I realized that this detail could be tantamount to finding a finger print and if Jim Fetzer's observation made years ago applied here, then it could prove conclusively that Tippit was "Badgeman". To my amazement, when I switched the picture from right to left, the later photo of Tippit (circa 1959, confirmed by the late Tippit expert, Larry Ray Harris) showed eyebrow, forehead contour and hairline features which are identical to those seen in Jack White's "Badgeman" photo enlargements. TIPPIT=BADGEMAN Below, I present the photos which I believe prove the identity of "Badgeman" to be Officer J. D. Tippit. The contours of the hairlines when adjusted for the difference in the angle of the heads in the photo show themselves to be IDENTICAL (it helps to study topology in this kind of work). The most salient feature is the unique triangular indentation of the hairline shown the right side of the hairline (from our viewing perspective, but actually being the left side of Badgeman's head). |
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In fact, if the reader will look closely, he will note that the angle shown within in the inset is almost exactly 60 degrees form a nearly perfect equilateral triangle (depicted by the red down arrows). Descending to our right along both hairlines, we find a second and smaller wave of hair which forms a black triangular wave (red up arrows) immediately adjacent to the previously described 60 degree indentation, before the line curls downward in a semicircular pattern (blue left pointing arrows) toward the sideburns. Other features, such as the long Elf-like pointed ear as well as the very dark left eye brow, cheek bone and the forehead size and contour appear to this researcher's eyes to be IDENTICAL. I encourage the reader to do his own geometric studies. Here follow the photos which I have used to produce the "Badgeman Identified" photo composite. I knew this in 1994, but I couldn't tell many people. |
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Three good reasons for Tippit's murder: During our July 4th conversation, I reaffirmed for Jack White some of my ideas on the purposes of the pre-planned Tippit killing, i.e., that it was designed to be the lynchpin for a successful execution of JFK by providing a diabolically conceived "mind control" apparatus for preemptively whitewashing the entire event. A. To frame Oswald as a cop-killer to make credible the presidential assassination charge; B. To provide preconceived and rearranged medical evidence: Fake Stare-of-Death photographs, HoaX-Rays of Tippit's head wound were substituted in less than 2 weeks after the assassination to fool and to coerce Dr. Malcolm Perry and the Dallas medical team, thus tricking them and forcing these heroic doctors into doubting themselves in order to alter their opinions most importantly, to provide, in this writer's words, "the get-away vehicle" for the masterminds' and assassins' successful escape by sacrificing one of there own to cover their tracks. By arranging and providing a body, really and truly slain by a "Single Gunman", with a prealigned head wound, the masterminds were sure to confuse Humes, Finck and Boswell, the Bethesda autopsy team (who wouldn't know the real JFK from a hole in the head). While under the direct control of General Wehle, U.S. Army, and Admiral Burkley, U.S. Navy, the Bethesda autopsy team was manipulated like a group of marionettes by the string-pullers, curtain closers, and grey men who stood in the shadows of the Bethesda autopsy room telling Humes, Boswell and Finck "what to find" and "where to find it" in those gruesome hours before the dawn of November 23rd, 1963. The control of Humes, Finck and Boswel continued as well in the days and years which followed the death of John F. May John F. Kennedy rest in peace, may the truth be known and may the world receive Light out of the darkness of his untimely death. C. Most importantly, to provide, in this writer's words, "the get-away vehicle" for the masterminds' and assassins' successful escape by sacrificing one of there own to cover their tracks. By arranging and providing a body, really and truly slain by a "Single Gunman", with a prealigned head wound, the masterminds were sure to confuse Humes, Finck and Boswell, the Bethesda autopsy team (who wouldn't know the real JFK from a hole in the head). While under the direct control of General Wehle, U.S. Army, and Admiral Burkley, U.S. Navy, the Bethesda autopsy team was manipulated like a group of marionettes by the string-pullers, curtain closers, and grey men who stood in the shadows of the Bethesda autopsy room telling Humes, Boswell and Finck "what to find" and "where to find it" in those gruesome hours before the dawn of November 23rd, 1963. The control of Humes, Finck and Boswel continued as well in the days and years which followed the death of John F. Kennedy. Here is wisdom: "Here the climax of the darkening is reached. The dark force at first held so high a place that it could wound all who were on the side of good and of the light. But, in the end, evil perishes of its own darkness for evil must itself fall at the very moment when it has overcome the good and thus consumed the energy to which it owed its duration." Epilogue In addition to the photo evidence and analysis heretofore presented, my research has also produced two eyewitnesses to Tippit's presence on the Grassy Knoll immediately after the murder of JFK. One is a lady whom I interviewed in Dallas in 1994 who told me: "As you know, I was one of the first people to run up to the Grassy Knoll...and when I got there, I saw Tippit there and so I thought everything was 'alright' ". For her own protection, I still keep her identity secret. However, there is another whom I can identify. I could not tell many people of this in 1963 nor in 1994 but... I too saw Tippit on the Grassy Knoll on November 22nd, 1963 but I didn't know it was him until now. |