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About the Author: Robert D. Morningstar is a computer systems and imaging specialist living in New York City. During the 1960 campaign, RDM worked as a volunteer for the election of John F. Kennedy in NYC. He is a graduate of Power Memorial Academy with a degree in psychology from Fordham University. RDM is an acknowledged Tai Chi master and has taught for the East Asian Studies Department at Oberlin College and as an Adjunct Lecturer at Hunter College (1994-95), City University of New York. From 1992-1994, he was a movement therapist in the Behavioral Sciences Department at The International Center for the Disabled teaching in Stress Management and Behavioral Modification Programs in New York City. Morningstar is also an FAA licensed pilot and Instrument Ground Instructor. He is a member of The U.S. Naval Institute, The Air Force Association, the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association and the Air Safety Foundation. His biography is listed in "Who's Who in The East" (24th & 25th Editions)." R. D. Morningstar has studied the assassination of John F. Kennedy since the day it occurred. In 1992, at the Third Decade Symposium on the JFK Assassination in Chicago, R. D. Morningstar became the first scientist to expose publicly the use of gestalt psychology in the alteration and doctoring of the Zapruder Film. In June, 1997, RDM was elected Presider of the Ancient Druid Order of England in a Druid ceremony at Stonehenge directly linking him spiritually to the Arthurian legacy. As we approach the 35th anniversary of the death of JFK, Robert D. Morningstar is proud to present to all Americans yet cherish truth, liberty, and freedom of speech, in memory of President John F. Kennedy, "The Ultimate Secret":
On June 26th, 1992, in Chicago, I was invited by Mr. Douglas Carlson to address a closed session of Kennedy assassination researchers at the Third Decade JFK Symposium on my discovery within the Zapruder Film several alterations which employed what I have dubbed "Gestalt Editing Techniques". I also reported the discovery visible condensation trails in Frame Z-295. The discovery of this condensation trail by this writer in New York City and independently by researcher Roy Schaeffer in Dayton, Ohio in 1992, proves conclusively the presence of a shooter high on the Criminal Courts Building. THE RIGHT QUESTIONIt was while preparing for the Chicago lecture that one of my research associates asked me, "Robert, where was J. D. Tippit shot?" "In the left eye, I believe..." I replied, for that was the story I'd read in the New York Times many years before. "But", I added, qualifying my reply, "let me make sure." At that moment, Jim Bishop's "The Day Kennedy Was Shot" was on my desk at arms length, and I read the section on the death of Officer J. D. Tippit. J. D. Tippit was the Dallas policeman murdered on November 22, 1963, 45 minutes after the shooting of JFK. Tippit's murder was immediately pinned on Lee Harvey Oswald. Tippit's killing has always been pictured as a chance encounter in the Oak Dale District between an alert, cruising (hero) policeman and a "suspect" in the shooting of JFK based on the APB (all points bulletin) put out minutes before by the Dallas Police Department. His assassination has always been pictured as a random killing forced by circumstances on the fleeing Oswald. I recalled that he had been buried the following day (November 23rd) in a sealed casket because his wound had purportedly disfigured his face. Tippit's body disappeared from 10th and Patton that afternoon (1:15 p.m. November 22nd), was processed through two hospitals within 2 hours, and was never seen again by kith or kin. I remember his funeral shown on CBS, a light bronze coffin was laid to rest surrounded by many mourners, Mrs. Tippit, their 3 children and waves of weeping policemen. |
In Jim Bishop's account, much to our amazement, besides being shot in the torso several times, Tippit as was described as having been shot the right temple, specifically the right temporal area, the very same region of the head where the fatal shot passed through President Kennedy. I was stunned. My mind boggled at the thought that this might be a mere coincidence--that the man accused of killing both Tippit and JFK could shoot 2 people within 45 minutes of each other, within 4 miles of each other, one with a rifle from a high building and one with a handgun at short range (on the run), and inflict exactly the same type wound. I resolved to inquire about this of experts in Chicago. MEDICAL DISCREPANCIESI had already read of some unusual medical discrepancies between photos and x-rays of the President in several books, which I recommend highly. These included Harrison Edward Livingstone's "High Treason II" and David Lifton's "Best Evidence", others are mentioned in the body of this report. His report uses the lexicon employed by Livingstone in "High Treason II" in the autopsy photo analysis in acknowledgement of Mr. Livingstone's great Contribuyions to the JFK medical debate. At the Third Decade conference, at a panel of the country's foremost experts on the Kennedy assassination, I inquired whether anyone there had ever considered the possibility that we might be seeing rear view photos and X-rays of Tippit substituted for those of JFK, based on the amazing similarity of the temporal head wound in both victims. Some cynics laughed in the audience but from the podium, the moderator, George Michael Evica, author of "...And We Are All Mortal", responded with a most unusual answer: "It's interesting that you should ask this question because...I've studied Tippit, and when I went down to Dallas I found out that Tippit bore a remarkable resemblance to President Kennedy, so much so that HIS FRIENDS IN THE DALLAS POLICE DEPARTMENT USED TO RIB HIM AND CALL HIM 'JACK' AND 'JFK'". (emphasis mine) I then inquired whether anyone had ever seen any pictures of Tippit other than the one I had dubbed "The Tippit-Elvis Picture," which showed him in a cowboy shirt, head slightly tilted, hair slicked back, appearing to be about 26-28 years of age. To my knowledge, it was the only one that had been published since his death. I also inquired whether anyone there had ever seen Tippit's autopsy report or knew his personal history. Later, Dan Du Pont, a researcher from North Hollywood, CA, approached me to discuss my inquiry. He promised to send me a copy of Tippit's autopsy report to assist in my research. THE REAL SECRET OF THE TIPPIT MURDERIn late July of 1992, I received from Dan Du Pont a 1964 manuscript by Gary Murr entitled "The Death of Officer J. D. Tippit". It contained the report of FBI Special Agent Arthur Carter on the autopsy of Officer J. D. Tippit, conducted by the Texas Coroner, Dr. Earl Rose. While studying the entry wound diagrams by Dr. Rose, I saw a remarkable similarity between Dr. Rose's Tippit diagrams and the wound I perceived in the purported JFK lateral x-ray. I realized that the lateral x-ray purported to be that of the late President might in fact be that of Officer J. D. Tippit. |
![]() Rose Autopsy Diagram. Compare with the purported JFK X-ray (left). Dr. Rose's description of the path taken by the bullet through Tippit's brain approximates the trajectory described by the Warren Commission and House Select Committee on Assassination reports of the bullet's path through the late President's brain. In the enlargement below, the red arrow depicts the path followed by the missile as described by the autopsy team. This further correlation with JFK's head wound indicated that we had uncovered a very significant omission of the Warren Commission Report. THE CEREBRAL PEDUNCLES PARADOX RESOLVEDFurthermore, while comparing Dr. Rose's autopsy of Tippit with Humes' and Boswell's autopsy report on the President's brain, I noted that both autopsies described the lacerations severing the same brain parts, the "cerebral peduncles". This is a part of the midbrain, which could not have remained intact and recognizable in President Kennedy when we see the head wound sequence depicted in frame Z-313 ff. in the Zapruder Film. The eyewitness testimonies of Dr. Kemp Clark, Malcom Perry, Dr. Charles Crenshaw and others at Parkland Hospital, and eyewitnesses on Elm Street and near the Grassy Knoll are at great variance with the head wound depicted in the Stare of Death photos and "The Back (F3)" close-ups. Nor do they tally with drawings of the head wound used by the Warren Commission and its henchmen to dupe the doctors at Parkland Hospital and many other medical experts in the intervening years since the death of the President Kennedy. |
However, both these lacerations could be those described by Rose as the autopsy incisions performed during Tippit's autopsy: the parasagittal laceration was an "intermastoid incision" performed to determine the trajectory of the bullet and to retrieve it from Tippit's brain. The severing of the corpus callosum may have been a consequence of the removal of Tippit's brain from the cranial cavity. The damage to the skull of J.D. Tippit described by Dr. Rose matches the lateral x-ray of JFK exactly. THE DISCOVERY OF THE JFK HoaX-RAYSI then decided to compare the purported X-rays of JFK with photos of both the President and Tippit. By properly sizing transparencies of the two men and comparing them, it became evident that Tippit and JFK, from the cheeks down to the jaw, were in appearance almost fraternal twins (see below, Tippit in Police Uniform/JFK at Love Field). When viewed from the side, there was, as George Michael Evica had stated in Chicago, "a remarkable resemblance." DISCOVERY OF THE TIPPIT X-RAY SWITCHI then proceeded to compare the x-rays with photos of both men, and found that the intact portion of the purported JFK x-ray fit the skull contours of J. D. Tippit, but not that of JFK. While conducting the skull contour studies, I realized that I could recreate an analog of an undamaged skull x-ray mimicking an undamaged contour by mirroring the intact half of the skull in the purported JFK x-ray. I later mirrored the damaged half as well, creating a facsimile of symmetrical damage to both sides of the skull, dubbing it "Total Destruction". This would later confirm the fraudulent nature of the famous "Stare of Death Photos," first exposed by Harrison Livingstone in "High Treason II" (HT2). In the interest of simplicity, consistency and in appreciation of this significant work by Harrison Livingstone, we employ much of the vocabulary and lexicon that he established (in HT2) for the medical evidence in the analysis which follows. |
Reproducing transparencies of the x-rays, bisecting them, and aligning them along the nasal septum, I produced a "Reconstructed Skull X-Ray of President John F. Kennedy" seen here:
MISSING TIME: WHERE WAS TIPPIT'S BODY?In 1993, Dr. Jerry Rose of the State University of New York at Fredonia informed the writer that the Dallas Police Department lost track of Tippit's body for over an hour, because he was removed from the murder scene by an ambulance before police arrived. Another strange and suspect fact is that Officer Tippit seems to have had bullets removed at two different locations. First on the way to Methodist General Hospital, where some bullets were purportedly removed in the ambulance. Then at Parkland Hospital by Dr. Earl Rose, who describes removing the same bullets supposedly removed at Methodist General, where he had been pronounced DOA. Why was he moved, then, to Parkland Hospital? |
![]() The Texas Coroner, Dr. Earl Rose, argued with the Secret Service over custody of the President Kennedy's body until 2:08 PM, when the Presidential party departed Parkland, absconding with the body. Despite this, Dr. Rose reported completing Tippit's autopsy at 3:15 PM. I thought this a little quick until I read, in Dr. Charles Crenshaw's "Conspiracy of Silence," of Rose's boast that "We can have him [Kennedy] out of here in 45 minutes." It appears that Dr. Rose was working under time pressurebut who is "we"? WHO IS REALLY BURIED IN ARLINGTON?We come now to the most disturbing discovery of this on-going investigation. I have uncovered evidence suggesting that it is not President Kennedy who is buried in Arlington National Cemetery under the Eternal Flame. The testimony of the closest eyewitnesses indicate that it is not JFK but very likely J. D. Tippit. As shocking as this may seem, consider the words of Senator Robert F. Kennedy as he viewed the body in the open casket. William Manchester reports that as RFK looked at his "brother" for the last time, he said: "It doesn't look like him at all". This writer goes much further: "It isn't him at all!" |
This photo is pure theatrics and cosmetics. Much of the horror fades away when one consciously begins to ignore the "subliminal swaztika" which the cosmetics artists imbedded within the dark area of the head, the hair, hairline, and "The Devil's Ear". This creates an embedded psychic disturbance to frighten the viewer of this photo and to distract him as well from discerning the actual identity of the victim. Creating a right angle to complete one corner of the "subliminal swaztika" may well have been the purpose of "The Devil's Ear".
"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed; and all the world wondered after the beast." I had to ask myself: "Could this scene of pandemonium in Chicago be the actual fulfillment of that strange and mystifying prophecy of the Revelations of St. John?" There were we all truly marveling at "the head of the beast" as it had been wounded to death yet we could not reconcile how "the deadly wound was healed". I turned to Randy Robertson, a radiologist with more than passing interest in the case and said, "The problem is that these people are all arguing about x-rays and photos that are not those of JFKTippit was shot on the same side of the head as JFK. I think we're looking at pictures of the back of Tippit's head." Another "true believer", for more than three decades, has been Dr. John Lattimer, whom I debated at the Bay Shore Historical Society in Brooklyn, New York on November 16, 1994. Dr. Lattimer, the eminent urologist to Lyndon Johnson, seems to have sworn a loyalty oath to Johnson and the Single Gunman Theory, much like Herman Goring, whose family signet ring Dr. Lattimer wears as a personal trophy from his Nuremberg days (as personal U.S. Army physician to the Reich's Marshall). I did not ask him how he acquired it (nor why, to this day, no one knows how Goring retrieved the cyanide capsule from his personal possessions stored under security guard without "someone's" help). When I pressed him for another meeting or another debate, he replied, "Well, I must be going,I'm up to my ears in Nuremberg? When I gave him a quizzical look, he added "The anniversary is coming up!". However, after having seen the photos herein presented, though a bit startled, Dr. Lattimer had the graciousness (and honesty) to say: " I must say that you have compiled the most compelling set of photographic evidence I've seenthank you." With that , he turned and left for "Nuremburg." Pathetically, during the Medical Panel in Chicago, it was obvious that Dr. Lundberg, in complete honesty, really believed the so-called "facts" and the "medical evidence". The Warren Commission Report is a collection of falsehoods regularly presented by the government to many intelligent and well-intentioned (but cognitively disadvantaged) medical experts all too willing to take what was presented as "evidence" at face value. I had to admire his courage although I could not admire his flawed perception and gullibility. The indignant and self-righteous crowd was brutal on Lundberg , Lattimer and the SBT (Single Bullet Theorists) faction. It
was quite unjustified, in fact, for the jeering, booing crowd itself
believed the photos and the x-rays to be those of John F. Kennedy and
that their interpretation of same was "more" correct when
, in fact, it was just as wrong! That is one of the bitter pills of
disinformation taken as "Truth": everyone is fooled; everyone
is blinded; and, all are left divided. Agreement and consensus are impossible
when arguing over nonsensical information. The blind lead the blind.
As I became more familiar with Tippit's features, I began to see many distinguishing characteristics. There is one in particular which makes the identification conclusive. In "HT2", H. E. Livingstone noted that the person in the "Stare-of-Death Photos" has a nose that does not resemble Kennedy's, and that moles and facial hair seen in photos taken of JFK on the morning of November 22 are absent. One detail Livingstone did not notice is that, in addition, a mole which was not on JFK's neck that morning mysteriously appears very prominently in the "Superior Right Profile (G1)" picture purported to be JFK. The proof of Tippit's identity came when I noticed the unique black neck mole in the color version of the photograph. Due to the darkness and graininess of the black and white versions published in recent years, the true nature of the black mole was easy to overlook. However, in the color version, the mole's nature is clear. It lies on the right side of the neck, almost parallel to the base of the hyoid bone or "Adam's Apple". Though I had studied photos of JFK for ars, I could not remember ever seeing such a blemish on his neck, but on other photos of Tippit, the mole is plainly visible. Furthermore, I discovered another unique ear mole pattern on Tippit's left ear which matches the left ear mole pattern of the man in Fox Photo F4 (the "Left Profile" photo). Another search of photos of JFK turned up no such mole. |
An investigation which began with a single photo of the deceased grew slowly as a team of investigators and supporters began to coalesce around my initial discoveries of the doctoring of the Z-Film and radically new theories on the assassination scenario. I searched for over a year for other pictures of Tippit, but with little success. No other pictures were forthcoming until September 1992 when I found a very rare right three-quarter profile of Tippit in police uniform (later dated by Larry Ray Harris as mid-1950's) in a national magazine. Printed in the magazine the size of 2 postage stamps, I was able to laser copy and enlarge the photo for initial comparisons with the face of JFK. The photo below was further enhanced using the modern digital computers. |
It was this second comparisonof the photo above with the photograph below of President Kennedy at Love Field on the morning of the assassination that convinced me that we had found the key and were on the right track.
TIPPIT IN CIVILIAN CLOTHESTwo Tippit photos showing Tippit in casual attire, the Tippit-Elvis Photo (circa 1952) and the Tippit-1959 photo, both show the black neck mole as seen in the "Superior Right Profile" photo (G1) as well as those photos attributed to James K. Fox (F1). I am grateful to Professor David Porter of Empire State College, who directed this investigator to this rare Tippit photo. I had long suspected that the Tippit-Elvis picture showed a man much too young to be the 39-year-old man killed on November 22, 1963. It was later confirmed by Tippit expert Larry Ray Harris that the Tippit-Elvis photo was taken in 1952, when Tippit was 28 years old. Why, one might wonder, would anyone want to hide Tippit's real age and features from public scrutiny? THE REFERENCE BLACK TRIANGLEFollowing this discovery, the purpose and the need for the what is called by researchers (like H. E. Livingstone) the "Reference Black Triangle" became obvious. Although President Kennedy and Tippit bore a great likeness to each other in the bone structure of the jaw, brow, nose, and cheeks, there were distinct differences above the brow line. Tippit's cranium was rounder and smaller. The President had full, red-brown hair, Tippit had black hair and a pronounced receding hairline. In order to create the appearance of the same hairline in an area that had no hair, it became necessary to fake one of the same contour by surgically rearranging a section of scalp. The altered scalp and the underlying surface area were thus made to appear to be both hairline and the consequence of an actual wound. In view of this, the accuracy of the Sibert and O'Niell FBI report, discovered by David Lifton in the 1960s, becomes evident: "It was also apparent that a tracheotomy had been performed as well as surgery of the head area, namely, in the top of skull." THE DEVIL'S EARIn addition to the "Black Reference Triangle," another artifact which has confounded medical researchers is the one called "The Devil's Ear". It is an unusual flap seen in the right temporal area of the victim's head in both the Fox and Groden photos. Dr. Rose's autopsy report describes the entry of Tippit's head wound occurring in the area between the ear and the brow. The purported "JFK Lateral X-ray" shows what appears to be a semicircular fracture at a point where the temporal bone joins the zygomatic process, between the ear and the brow. It is interesting to compare this characteristic of the JFK lateral x-ray with Dr. Rose's description of Tippit's wound. Dr. Rose describes it as "wound No. 1." It was actually the fourth wound placed with surgical precision by Tippit's killer after he approached the fallen officer to administer the coup de grace: "No. 1 is 4 3/4 inches from the top of the head and 3 3/4 inches to the right of the midline. This measures 3/8 x 1/4 inch and is surrounded by a contusion ring." The missile proceeded "slightly upwards, backwards and to the left". It caused extensive fractures around the temporal bone and surrounding areas. The bullet went on to strike the inner surface of the occipitoparietal bone (the rear part of the skull), also fracturing it extensively, "but it did not exit". It was recovered by Rose in the area of the calcarine gyrus, where it exited the brain tissue but not the skull. This path, when reversed, coincides with the Warren Commission's description of President Kennedy's head wound more closely than the eyewitness reports of JFK's wound at Parkland Hospital, all of which describe a large temporal entry wound and a large exit wound in the right rear occipital area. The HSCA's "High Head Wound" photographs are most likely those of J. D. Tippit. One of the objections of experts to the High Head Wound Photos is the presence of clearly visible hair inside the entry wound. This would be impossible in a rear-entry puncture wound. The path of the bullet which caused Tippit's head wound ended precisely where these photos purport to show the entry point of JFK's high head wound. |
THE OTHER PURPOSE OF "THE DEVIL'S EAR"The true nature and purpose of the Devil's Ear now clearly reveals itself. While the head wound of J. D. Tippit may be described as a simple, circular, puncture type of entry wound, the President's entry and exit wound was of a different nature. The President's head wound was clearly an explosive one, more characteristic of a fragmenting or exploding bullet. In order to pass off Tippit's wound for JFK's, it was made to appear similar by using the same technique used to create "The Black Reference Triangle". An area of scalp was surgically altered to create a flayed, bloodied area approximately equal in to that of the President's mortal wound seen at Zapruder frame 313 ff. However, when compared to the catastrophic damage done to the President's head depicted in the Zapruder Film, one quickly realizes that the area of the Devil's Ear is much too small to be the consequence of the explosive wound(s) seen at Z-313 ff.. Tippit's real wound was altered and disguised to appear to be JFK's mortal head wound. |
In the "F6" photo, the wound on the right side of the chest perfectly coincides with Dr. Rose's description of Tippit's chest wound. Dr. Rose states: "Wound No. 2 is 17 inches from the top of the head on the right chest. It is 4 inches to the right of the midline, above and slightly medial to the right nipple. It is 3/8 by 1/4 inch and is surrounded by a contusion ring. No powder tattooing is noticed." The wound seen in F6 is precisely situated and exhibits the same dimensions and characteristics as Tippit's wound. This wound is in the wrong position for it to be the point of insertion for the right chest tube into Preident Kennedy. Dr. Charles Crenshaw, in "Conspiracy of Silence," says: "The doctors inserted the chest tubes into the President's body by making incisions between the ribs on both sides of his chest in the mid-clavicular lines." This refers to the area around the collar bone, much higher than the wound depicted in the Fox photos. The chest tube incisions, which were linear, were then further opened and stretched by the insertion of trocars which preceded the insertion of rubber tubing. No such incision appears in these photos. The wound on the chest of this victim is too low and does not correspond with the position of the 2 cm. incision drawn by Dr. Boswell on the official autopsy face sheet to be President Kennedy. The wound appears in uncropped Fox photo F1 below. This wound had previously gone unnoticed, due to its close proximity to the right nipple, with which it could easily be confused. However, when one looks closely at it one can see that it is too low too close to the midline of the body to be the right nipple. There is also a deep fold of flesh visible in the overhead photos (F5 & F6) of "President Kennedy," lower down and to the left of the centerline, which fits the description and the position of Tippit's Wound No. 4, which was caused by a bullet that struck a button on his police uniform, driving it into his body. Disinformation regarding Tippit's wounds had begun early. As previously mentioned, I had read a New York "Times" report stating that Tippit had been shot in the left eye. Jim Bishop's "The Day Kennedy Was Shot" describes a spurious head wound as being in the "middle of the forehead" in addition to the correct entry site previously described. This is also clearly disinformation handed on to Jim Bishop, as evidenced by the Rose autopsy report and diagrams. Rose writes: "Wound No: 4 on the left chest is 20 1/2 inches from the top of the head, 1 1/4 inches to the left of the midline. The wound measures 3/4 by 3/8 of an inch, is transverse and surrounding this is a 1/4 x 3/4 inch abrasion." The gash or abrasion of the fold of flesh visible to the left of the midline below the left side of the chest in Fox photo F6 fits this description. In Fox Photo F5 (The Back): Let us note an amazing coincidence regarding the position of the back wound in photo F5. This was a shallow wound from which no bullet was retrieved, and which was no deeper than the length of a finger when examined in Bethesda by Humes and Boswell. |
![]() This supposed wound was seized upon by Arlen Specter and the "Magic Bullet" theorists as the point of entry for their amazing missile. Gerald Ford assisted him in formulating his "theory" by altering the location of the entry site from the region of the third thoracic vertebra (between the shoulder blades) to "the base of the back of President Kennedy's neck" (WCR) or the "right cervical region" (see A.P. article) with the stroke of a hand-penned note to Chief Counsel J. Lee Rankin. Gerald Ford and Arlen Specter forged and tampered with the medical evidence "to force true" the Magic Bullet Theory. Without these alterations, their rationalizations for their deceit of an entire generation would have been self-evidently nullified. In order to contradict the testimonies of the Parkland Hospital medical staff, it is clear that the swapping of the photos of Tippit for those of JFK was done immediately after the assassination. It also means that this part of the assassination was planned well in advance as the lynchpin which would assure success. In December of 1963, these photos were already being used to try to coerce, discredit, browbeat and, at last, to convince Dr. Malcolm Perry, Dr. Kemp Clark, Dr. Robert McClelland, and the Parkland Medical staff that:
The hand written note by Gerald Ford was released in June-July of 1997 by the Assassination Records Review Board, the incriminating note was the subject of an Associated Press report by Mike Feinsilber which appeared on July 3rd, 1997 world wide. Below is a scan of the New York Times National News Briefs column. |
![]() This key change by Gerald Ford, which constitutes criminally altering assassination evidence and tampering, served the psychological purpose of making the "Magic Bullet Theory" not credible but marginally plausible. "The Magic Bullet Theory" stood like a house of cards tenuously supported. With the discovery of Ford's self incriminating note, the stacked deck of the Warren Commission Report came crashing down. The real back wound was described thusly in the official death certificate by Dr. Burkley, the President's physician: "a second wound occurred in the posterior back at about the level of the third thoracic vertebra." This statement refers to an area a couple of inches below the neck and between the shoulder blades, or scapula. When we study this photo alongside Dr. Rose's description of the path followed by the bullet which caused Tippit Wound No. 2, we find an amazing "coincidence." Dr. Rose states: "The wound described as No. 2 is found to go between the second and third rib. The missile...is recovered slightly to the left of the vertebra approximately 16 inches from the top of the head, having pursued a course very slightly upward, to the left and backwards." Is it not remarkable that the bullet which caused wound No. 2 in Tippit should end its flight at the fourth (4th) thoracic vertebra, the one directly adjoining the point of "entry" of Arlen Specter's "Magic Bullet" in Kennedy's body at "about the level of the third thoracic vertebra"? Is it not more likely that that we are really seeing is the point of entry of the course followed by Dr. Rose in the recovery of the bullets which caused wounds No. 2 and No. 3 from Tippit's body? In this context, the befuddlement of the autopsy team is quite easily understandable. Sibert and O'Neill report that "Inasmuch as no complete bullet of any size could be located in the back or any other area of the body as determined by total body X-rays and inspection revealing there was no point of exit, the individuals performing the autopsy were at a loss to explain why they could find no bullets." I believe that Dr. Earl Rose had them. It is now known that Chief Jesse Curry of the DALLAS POLICE DEPARTMENT had some bullets in his "collection" of JFK assassination artifacts shown in the book which he published circa 1990-91 cataloguing his "assassination memorabilia". Regarding Ford's alteration of the facts, there is quite a significant difference between the third thoracic (the actual entry site) and the region of the third cervical vertebrae. All this was done in order to make the simple assertion that the missile "passed through striking no bony tissue" marginally credible. This made this incredible marring of history only slightly plausible but "plausible enough" for the public to give the Warren Commission conspiracy the benefit of the doubttemporarily. LIVINGSTONE: TIPPIT'S NOSE NOT JFK'SRegarding the Right Superior Profile photo (G1), H.E. Livingstone writes "HT2": "Although the sharpness of the nose may be due to the camera angle, the nose nevertheless does not appear to be Kennedy's." I agree with Livingstone's assessment. Furthermore, the nose ridges and shadows in Fox photos F1, F4, F6 and F7 also demonstrate that it is Officer Tippit when compared to the Tippit-Elvis and the William Allan photo of one of the arresting officers in the Tramp photos. |
![]() The "Left Profile Photo" (F4), when compared to Kennedy's real profile, shows clear distinctions in structure (see below: Disguising Tippit's Receding Hairline in Fox Photo F4). The Livingstone-Groden Debate: The Divergent Eyes Another consistent observation made by several witnesses who viewed earlier versions of the Stare-of-Death Photos is the divergence of the eyes in some these photos. Discussing the Fox photo (F1) in "High Treason II", Livingstone writes: "Note how wide the eyes are, yet the eyes are not divergent, nor is the right eye popped from the head as it was described by medical witnesses." This discrepancy again indicates that the individual in the currently available Stare-of-Death pictures is Tippit. The eyewitness account of Domingo Benevides, who saw the Tippit murder supports this theory: "That is when I got out of the truck and walked over to the policeman, and he was lying there and he had, looked like a big clot of blood coming out of his head, and HIS EYES WERE SUNK BACK IN HIS HEAD, and just kind of made me feel real funny." [emphasis added] DISGUISING TIPPIT'S LEFT SIDE RECEDING HAIR LINEAs mentioned above, I believe that the "surgery of the head area, namely top of the skull" described in the Sibert & O'Niell report refers to the Reference Black Triangle, which was used to hide Tippit's receding hairline. However, Tippit's receding hairline was nearly symmetrical, and so necessitated camouflaging on the left side also. In Fox photo F4, "The Left Profile," we can see that this was achieved by combing the hair forward and down from the area around the region of the coronal suture, near the ear line, which resulted in an artificial whorl of hair or "cowlick" in that region. If one looks closely, one can actually see Tippit's bald pate beneath two of the combed hairlocks. Note that the angle of the sideburn is identical with that of one particular arresting officer, whom I identify as Tippit, in the Tramp photos. Studying the profile, one can see two very distinctive nose ridges, one above the nose bridge, and another "notch" below the nasal septum, which President Kennedy did not possess, these are also readily discernable in the Tippit-Elvis photo. These ridges produced the "nose ridge shadows" which disproves the authenticity of Fox Photo F1 (the Stare-of-Death photo). THE THROAT WOUND CONTROVERSYOne of the the repeated challenges to the authenticity of the "Stare-of-Death Photo" and the Groden "Superior Right Profile" is the question of the alteration of the throat wound. Dr. Malcolm Perry's tracheostomy, as described by the Parkland team, is quite at odds with the long gash across the throat of the victim in these photos. Eyewitness after eyewitness has attested to the alteration of the throat wound. Dr. Charles Crenshaw, who witnessed Dr. Perry's work firsthand, has described what is presented in the Groden frauds as "the work of a butcher". Why was it necessary? If
we compare a close-up of the face of the arresting officer (Tippit)
in William Allen's "Three Tramps" photo with the President's
official photo, published on the cover of the New York "Times"
on November 22, 1963, their similarity in jaw structure and other facial
features is clear. But Tippit's "laugh lines" and the furrow
formed by a "scowl line" leading from the right nostril to
the corner of the lips in a stretched "S" distinguish him
from the President. In the Groden-leaked photo, acne scars are visible on Tippit's face on the the right cheek and two distinct ones along the scowl lines about 1/2 inch below and and 3/4 of an inch behind the corner of the right side of the lips. Tippit also bears TWO distinct moles below the right sideburn, one level with the middle ear and the other level with base of the opening of the auditory canal. This pattern is also visible in the William Allen Tramp photo, and on the face of the victim in "Superior Right Profile." All of the details above:
This leads us to the reasons for the Throat Slash (it can no longer be called a "tracheostomy"). It was plastic and psychological surgery. The surgery had three purposes: First, it produced a wound in the throat, because it the President had been wounded there, and Tippit had not been. Second, it diminished the distinct jowls of Tippit's double chin. The incision across the throat made the flesh of the jowls sag, tightening the flesh closer to the jaw line. This camouflaged the differences described above by softening the "laugh lines" and the furrow of Tippit's scowl line, making him look more like a younger JFK. The third purpose of the Throat Slash is the psychological aspect. The wound is designed to distract viewers from the obvious facts which expose the fraud. The shock induced by such a gruesome sight mesmerizes the viewer, freezes reason, and makes one's logical thinking falter. Few people can look at these photos without feeling fear and dread at the thought that these atrocities could have been visited upon the President of the United States. These photos were meant to fool medical experts of the time and future historians. They were also designed to instill fear into every citizen and into every President: a fear of asking the right question. They have been designed using Gestalt psychology to terrorize viewers into silence. The message is, psychologically speaking, an implied threat: if "they" could do that to the President of the United States, then what can they do to you, little man! A slit throat means silence--"ask no questions!" is the psychological message behind these photos. However, some Americans cannot be silenced that way. WHO COULD HAVE ALTERED THE BODIES?Who could have perpetrated such an atrocity? It had to be a group (doctors & photographers) who knew what the President's actual wounds looked like and one in close proximity to both bodies. Who had the authority to view and touch the President's body, and who had the skill to execute the cosmetic surgery? Who was close enough to both bodies? Who had the opportunity and the authority to view the President's wounds and those of Officer Tippit? Given the official time frame of the Warren Commission, until recently we had to conclude that only two known men fulfilled the requirements: Texas Coroner Earl Rose and President Kennedy's personal physician, Admiral George Burkley. The proof herein presented makes it self-evident that unknown physician(s) in Dallas altered Tippit's body, with Rose signing for them. DR. CRENSHAW EXPOSES "CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE"The memoirs of Dr. Charles Crenshaw in "Conspiracy of Silence" shed much needed light on events at Parkland Hospital and reveal the roles of Dr. Vernon Stemmbridge, chief of surgical pathology, and Dr. Sidney Stewart in precipitating the legal battle between Dr. Earl Rose and the Secret Service over possession of the President's body at Parkland. Stemmbridge and Stewart insisted that THEY had priority and legal jurisdiction over the President's autopsy. Dr. Rose was apparently called in to affirm and defend their legal rights according to Texas law over the body of the fallen President. It now appears very likely that someone other than Rose had autopsied Tippit by 1:45. Using the theatrics of Rose's argument with the Secret Service over the President's body as a diversion, JFK's body could have been surreptitiously switched by the group who now evidently worked over Tippit's body. THE TRIP TO BETHESDA NAVAL HOSPITALOne of the bodies was placed inside a body bag, which could have been shipped in the right side cargo bay of Air Force One or on another jet separately arriving in Bethesda in a plain metal shipping casket. Once the bodies were "in the bag", it was easy to orchestrate shipment to Bethesda Naval Hospital via Walter Reed with Air Force and Army brass overseeing the theatrics which followed. Eyewitnesses reported seeing a helicopter take a body bag from the right side of Air Force One which then proceeded fly at ground level into a hangar at Andrews AFB. Anyone who witnessed the proceedings at Andrews AFB on television as did this writer can recall the loud and powerful drone of unseen helicopters drowning out the voices of the reporters as they maneuvered in the darkness behind Air Force One. Both bodies may have been transported to Walter Reed Army Hospital, where the JFK facsimile, using Tippit's body, was completed. They were later moved to Bethesda Naval Hospital, where they were shuttled from one operating room to another as revealed by Harrison Livingstone in "High Treason II". THE ALTERNATIVE CONCLUSIONThe idea of the alteration of a second corpse never occurred to David Lifton nor Harrison Livingstone but that is easy to comprehend. Who, the devil, could conceive such a diabolical and twisted scheme? Anyone suggesting such a thing must be living in "The Phantom Zone". The inability of these and other hallowed researchers and medical experts even to consider such an impossibility has lead many to receive some eyewitnesses' testimony with leery skepticism and disbelief, sometimes ascribing the discrepancies to faulty memory, shock or some dark motive or agenda. ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONHowever, when one asks oneself "the right question", the scenario described above becomes "a logical conclusion." The right question is: What is the logical conclusion if the eyewitnesses are all really telling the truth, accurately and factually? THE AIR FORCE 1 TAPESThere is evidence in the Air Force One tapes of an urgent telephone conversation between Admiral Burkley, aboard the President's plane, and Army Surgeon General Leonard Heaton at Walter Reed Army Hospital. The contents of the Burkley-Heaton conversation are deleted. The audio tape jumps abruptly to other topics. However, evidence uncovered and revealed by David Lifton in "Best Evidence" indicates that the missing conversations were discussing the recovery of the Harper fragment which was blown to the left side of Elm Street by the force of the blast from the Grassy Knoll shot. This is where this investigation stood on November 22, 1996, in Dallas. THE GRAIL QUEST: THE RECOVERY OF THE TIPPIT AUTOPSY MATERIALThe history of this investigation is the story of a quest, a quest for understanding and reason in the face of mass confusion and mass deception. In time, a single thread was to lead this writer on a journey that has criss-crossed the continent physically, telephonically and electronically to recover the facts surrounding the most mysterious and occult deaths in our history. The success that we have achieved in unearthing the truth about this barbarous affair could not have occurred without the moral and spiritual support which I have received from a cadre and network of many supporters around the world. These are the people who have helped to assemble small pieces of information, like those of a gigantic jigsaw puzzle, until enough small pieces coalesced and came together to produce this work. What began with a single phrase in Jim Bishop's book, within the course of few years had panned out and lead to the organization a network of researchers and "information surveyors" who ultimately as team procured the last piece of evidence necessary to confirm the "incredible" hypothesis presented above. A DIFFERENT COUP IN DALLASAt the JFK Lancer conference in Dallas, on November 21 st & 22 nd , 1996, a long time friend and colleague in assassination research, Professor James Fetzer, McKnight Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota and author of "Assassination Science", informed me that he had succeeded in locating and recovering the Tippit autopsy photographs. Professor Fetzer promised to send me a xerox copy and a set of negatives. Professor Fetzer had retrieved the photos in a most serendipitous fashion which he outlined in a recent e-mail to this writer: " Robert, Thanks for the email and the phone message. Of course I have no problem with your relating the history of how the Tippit photographs came into your possession, but I was the intermediary in all of this. They were originally obtained from the National Archives by Frank J. Sarna III, who mentioned them in a letter to THE THIRD DECADE, which led me to contact him, obtain copies of negatives made from his copies, and reproduce the photographs locally, which I subsequently shared with youHe should get the lion's share of the credit for this. When I subsequently visited the National Archives, for example, with box number in hand, they came up dry--the photographs were at that time not where they were supposed to be. I have learned from the ARRB, however, that they are now available so, presumably, it was simply an oversight that there were not available during my visit Best, Jim" This was a momentous event for this writer. My theories and geometric proofs, as thorough as they were, had reached an impasse which could only be resolved by comparing the victim at Bethesda with actual autopsy photos of J.D. Tippit. I was ready to stake my reputation (or, as some thought, my life) on my geometric proofs but only the acquisition of the actual photos could make or break my theory. THE FINAL PROOFThey arrived a few weeks later. When printed and enlarged they confirmed what I had suspected for four years: the victim in the Stare of Death photos and in nearly all the government medical photographs was clearly the body of Jefferson Davis Tippit, they even share THE SAME EXPRESSION in jaw, cheeks, and mouth in BOTH sets of photos, one with eyes open, the other eyes closed. One with throat intact, the other, throat slashed. Inarguably, a perfect set of "before & after" pictures. Officer Tippit died with his eyes open (see Domingo Benavides' testimony above). |
J. D. TIPPIT HEAD WOUND CLOSE-UPIt is interesting to note that this photo has been shot and cropped in a fashion nearly identical to the purported JFK lateral x-ray. When compared below, they clearly unmask the greatest criminal fraud of the 20 th century: both the x-ray and the photo are of the same person, Officer J. D. Tippit and conclusively NOT that of John F. Kennedy. BETHESDA VICTIM X-RAY OVERLAPPED ON TIPPIT PHOTOThe contours of Tippit's forehead and the frontal bone of the skull x-ray are identical. A semicircular entry point is visible in the x-ray which corresponds precisely with the wound site depicted in the Tippit Head Wound Close-Up shown above. Another interesting point which confirms the identification the unity of the two specimens (skull and head) is that the jagged, irregular shape along the line of demarcartion between bright and dark regions of Tippit's right forehead in the photo corresponds in shape to the major fracture line along the frontal bone and the missing portion of the temporal region in the x-ray. The subsidence of the fractured bone inside Tippit's head created a depression along forehead and temple region which created a unique shading resulting in a light defraction pattern like an etching or a template.
CLOSE-UP STUDY OF CHEEK BRUISES, MOUTH AND DENTAL FEATURESAs above, so below, the composite photograph demonstrates unequivocally that both corpses share in common, not only an identical expression around the features of the mouth, jaw and teeth, but the cheek bruises suffered by Tippit as he fell against the street pavement are visible in both. Closer scrutiny reveals the Tippit head wound entry site shown in the photos above to be present in the purported JFK photos as well though intentionally opaqued. These versions of the purported JFK Death Stare were enhanced by the writer by altering and increasing brightness, contrast, sharpness and gamma levels. This method made visible details which had been intentionally suppressed in order to pass the victim off as JFK. |
The dark mole just above the right collar bone and seen immediately to the left of the throat wound was to this writer the key to realizing the victim's true identity in 1994.
addition, it is clear that the face of the victim was shaved and the
eyebrows plucked. The redness and rawness of the recently plucked eyebrows
is evident in the color versions of the "Superior Right Profile"
Photo (see "The JFK Paradox). Researcher Tom Wilson has previously
pointed out that the victim's appearance indicated that it had been
reconstructed around the temple using a wax-like substance ("The
Men Who Killed Kennedy", Pt. 5).
![]() THE BEST WITNESSES: ROBERT AND JACKIE As shocking as this may seem, consider the words of Senator Robert F. Kennedy as he viewed the body in the open casket. William Manchester reports that as RFK looked at his "brother" for the last time, he said: "It doesn't look like him at all". Manchester's account (in "Death of A President") continues, "His eyes full, the Attorney General turned to Bill Walton and whispered, 'Please look, I want to know what you think.' Walton looked as long as he could, with a growing sense of outrage. He said to Bob, 'You mustn't keep it open. It has no resemblance to the President. It's a wax dummy...Don't do it'." Arthur Schlesinger said: "It is appalling,...At first glance it seemed all right, but I am nearsighted. When I came closer it looked less and less like him." And according to Manchester, Jacqueline Kennedy said, "It wasn't Jack. It was like something you would see at Madame Tussaud's."
Webmaster: R.J. DellaRosa -- richdell@tampabay.rr.com |